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Everything posted by Matt26LFC

  1. Thanks, will look into getting something sorted for dd in the future I think Yeah will get all my results using IHS first, then see what I can sort out for dd 3218C batch In the mean time will try more thermal paste under the IHS
  2. Think I ran 1466Fclk CB seemed about -95c Chip was a bit of a nightmare on cold
  3. Cheers guys retested this morning, improved it so new score incoming, also may have taken 32m gold too ;)
  4. haha I did have faster but everytime I tried to screenshot it the system shutdown lol Had the same with 32m Had gold but couldn't get a screen, so annoying lol
  5. Very nice run! When's the YT vid going up ;)
  6. Also have a delid 4790K that I can part with, can reseal with liquid metal if wanted, good clocker too
  7. Pretty sure memory is irrelevant for this one? Cheers though
  8. Haven't really checked for single core, but I think 5.5Ghz could be possible 32m. Hoping for 6.9+Ghz on ln2 in 32m, pifast etc
  9. Cheers guys, think it'll be a good one, but not up there with Luumi's chip
  10. Where did you get your Ln2?
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