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Everything posted by unityofsaints

  1. Why Win 7? I thought MXA mult control in XP was fixed?
  2. This definitely works mate. Reboot, close everything, make sure the windows update service is started, and try again. I've installed that update many times on Win 7 Ultimate SP1.
  3. I agree about LN2 binning for unlocked chips, but is it as true for locked ones? I thought maybe max FSB on ambient would give an indication.
  4. Don't worry, I will rebench on UD5. Just wanted to quickly bin this chip
  5. I have a proposal: re-add points
  6. Older stepping but still an amazing chip, interesting
  7. Nice1! Any reason you're using the older driver instead of CUDA 10.*?
  8. Solid stuff! Any particular reason you're not using the latest CUDA 10.*?
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