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Christian Ney

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Everything posted by Christian Ney

  1. Looking for a GeForce GTX Titan X (Maxwell) stock cooler for a friend who got rid of the cooler when he installed the watercooler and the card died after 1 year. Needs stock cooler to RMA the card.
  2. Yep, that will do. Or with another board.
  3. Italians never replied to me...
  4. On a more serious note: The background is required to unsure the scores are made during the competition time. The fact that the design changes slightly from one stage/division to another is just aesthetic here. As long as the background is the 2017 one I would not ask to rebench.
  5. IT NEEDS RGB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Here is a backup of http://www.dfi.com.tw/Upload/BIOS/ Unfortunately the filenames aren't very explicit and DFI didn't sort them :-/ But maybe you find something
  7. @Antinomy will upload his backup on my FTP Will update when it is complete.
  8. My backup of AOpen FTP is already up: link (Only BIOSes for now, will add manuals later)
  9. the tweak right there.
  10. #NoSpace http://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/quadro2_pro/
  11. Had this on many old vgas. So far this worked like a charm:
  12. Nice find. EDIT: Added the E0 BIOSes in the main directory (source is cited in source.txt).
  13. Ask next time
  14. I ran searches for all of them in the whole directory and they are not there which mean Abit did not upload them to their FTP. And I do not have a backup of abitshop.eu Sorry...
  15. Thanks, if they were uploaded to the global ftp as well I will find them.
  16. Hum, do you remember the BIOS names by any chance? I see no mention of it: Universal abit > CPU Support List Universal abit > Motherboard, Digital Speakers, iDome, AirPace, Multimedia 18 and up I guess. I will check if maybe they have been placed somewhere else.
  17. Is it an official BIOS?
  18. Before Abit shut down, Turrican and I made a backup of their FTP. I thought I lost it but when checking some external hard drives the other day I found the backup. I did not upload the whole backup (it is quite big). I only uploaded the BIOS, Beta, FlashMenu, Manuals and Utilities directories to my website, accessible here If you however need driver(s) or product picture(s), feel free to request them. EDIT: Bambooz (TPU and Hexus) uploaded the full backup (including drivers and product pictures) made by Solaris17 (TPU) here. Product pictures can be found here.
  19. We fixed it on ALi. I will check if I can build a VIA system for debug.
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