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Everything posted by mr.paco

  1. Please excuse my lack of clearity on this, I do realize that for Competitions unless specified no CURRENT GEN ES are allowed or Hard Ware released after the commencement of said competitions. That is understood. My question is quite simple; What about OLDER ES CPUs that are say 2, 3, or more years OLD? Are they allowed like they have been in the past? TIA...
  2. Thanx fellas... I had originally installed the 64bit vcredist, but it must have some how got corrupted. Reinstalling it fixed the error
  3. Will not open, get a pop up error, Dont remember the exact error message. I will power up the system and post an image of the error. Its the same error when I try to run 64bit gpupi on any system.
  4. It is 64bit OS, I can never get the 64bit version of GPUPI to work on any board/platform
  5. Done... Its a Ram Comp (clock speed & timing) needed to be filled in Edited n submitted for you...
  6. Looking to see/find if any Puerto Rico benchers would be interested in collaborating for this years country cup...
  7. I've tryed all types of settings. various chips, OC, Low Clock, stock, more ram, less ram etc etc. Just wont finish Will be very interesting to see if any one can actually pull it off...
  8. Hi, your run belongs in the PERFORMANCE TEST "MOBILE", not the regular Performance Test rankings
  9. You can no longer validate older dumps than new version Christian explains it here: http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=142936
  10. If you look here ALL ran on s423 for the Turrican Memorial Comp...
  11. Was support for some older hardware disabled in the latest revision for the sake of running newer stuff? This is a s423. Any ideas why it says its being ignored?
  12. You do know that you must use the TEAM-CUP background for your desktop... Right?
  13. @ MARQUZZ; Honestly did nothing special, Here I was thinking it was a low score.
  14. Ah ok, I noticed that any run over 24hrs (1-day) the engine tacks on an additional day...
  15. Just wanting to be clear; is this a 2 day or 3 day run?
  16. Youre not being rude. You may be correct about CPUZ and you just wana see if it is or isnt. Totally understandable...
  17. When I next get a chance I will pull out the board and run it again with "WCPUID or CPU-Z with DMI=0 in cpuz.ini."
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