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Everything posted by Bullant

  1. Yeah it has, it will do 5ghz nb too.....you ever play much with these chips?
  2. It’s a new chip mate, the first one was so junk ahah Thanks
  3. Thanks fellas...I’ll get a heater for sure ?
  4. This is well within range, I eff test at these setting on haswell 4.5ghz gtx 580 ...900/1200 gpu 133k... if you push gpu will see nice boost on some gt’s
  5. Yeah, guess I’ll have to get one of those heaters then..... thanks
  6. No not stable mate, looks good to me for 1156......I'm sure the memory will fly once both CPU and memory are cold. Hopefully the chip does good freq too
  7. New chip seems ok imc, well better then my i7 870.....cpu water and memory air...will cold memory this soon
  8. Nice, all these old results were mfr Hynix mate....not great memory and needed them cold to get them moving, would of loved to try this platform with b-die back in the day. The mfr Hynix did do better on cold on z170 tho, still no match for b-die
  9. Hey, no not tried cl5 on am3....I have on other intel platforms, for me cl5 was not faster and was little more stressful. There been all sorts of tricks I've seen over the years cl5 and twcl8, it can look good but not efficient. On haswell I've compared cl6-twcl6 vs cl5-twcl6 at 2800mhz and was very close to the same times next time I have ln2 and run am3 with ln2 memory I try it and post up, never know amd might like it lol
  10. Any more testing @I.nfraR.ed ? I'll run some more next time have ln2
  11. Yeah, I have no time atm to run anything between working late and 6-7 day weeks and now moving house later this month just leaves no oc time ahah. Ill prob just remove the few starter subs I placed up so it not interfere with other people places
  12. Yeah was quite hot in the room at that time ahah....4200 rpm fan help ? its cooled off here now tho I've not done much oc
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