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Everything posted by SparkysAdventure

  1. That would work just fine! Can try a small transaction to make sure it goes through
  2. Including shipping and fees, I think ~33000 yen?
  3. Send PayPal information, we can get it worked out. Japan, right?
  4. Just started college so I need to get rid of any hardware that just sits around doing nothing. Asking $265 $240 $225 shipped in the US.
  5. hello kit 15 old backup set
  6. I never thought I'd see this kit for sale again, wow! Edit: Wait, he had another 4300 12-11 1t capable kit????
  7. What PCB do the cursed Samsung use?
  8. PM sent
  9. I'm interested in number 9
  10. got any Corsair hahaha
  11. So, let's say you're running Cinebench R20. Would the benchmark run on both the high performance and the high efficiency cores? Or will it run on just one set?
  12. Ah, that's unfortunate Do you remember how fast the pace was? 5.51.1XX I'm guessing?
  13. Nice score, very close to 11k memory! Do you think you can push it any further? https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Wljq9ELaJtlkywUj_TdbYCjwREXyZPGr/view Here is the XOC equivalent to the bios you use now. This may allow you to tighten your SCLs to 2 and crank down tRAS/tRC a little more. Does your memory stop scaling before 4800+?
  14. Something I consider important is tweakability, being responsive to OS tuning and specific subtiming tightening, not just higher frequency. I am not sure how easy or difficult this would be to do, but OS and hardware compatibility would be a big interest for me. Being able to run on much older (early ddr3 and ddr2 systems) as well as more recent (ddr4 and ddr5) systems. SuperPi (specifically 32M) is a good example benchmark, as it achieves both of these goals. It works on OSs way older than XP and still works with Windows 11, and is the same benchmark regardless if you use 32 or 64 bit operating systems. It does not use many if any "new" instruction sets, and it remains a relevant benchmark because it can compare between generations. The problem with it is that it takes a while to run, and many users don't know how to interpret their score or how to improve it most effectively. Another issue with it is that it's still a CPU benchmark.
  15. The setting actually applies? Great!
  16. 4900 direct ratio may also be unstable
  17. Relating to this HWBot submission, where you did 4800 14-14 SP32M: https://hwbot.org/submission/4712591_dimon.sava2010_superpi___32m_core_i9_9900k_5min_29sec_589ms an you run fully tightened subtimings? Like tRFC 220, tRDWR_sg/dg 10, tWRRD_sg/dg 26/21 or 25/20, maybe tCWL 13 or 12 if all previous works. Does tRCD 13 or tighter RTL (56/56, 55/56, 55/55, doesn't necessarily need IOL 6 but might) run SP32M? Is 4800c14 the max for this set? Maybe could try 4800 ratio, drop core and cache by one ratio, boot 100.3 bclk and raise to 102.1 in OS, needing 2.03-2.05vdimm. Did you use waza? Thank you for your patience.
  18. Ah, you're the other person who was able to do 1t on Z390. Do you mind if I ask you to do any further testing?
  19. How does the 11700k do on air?
  20. Let me look for another link
  21. Does anyone know what the record for this category actually is? I know @Rauf has 5.51.328 or something like that, posted to FB on February 29th, 2020. I wish I had the original screen, as this FB upload reduced quality a ton.
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