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Everything posted by ObscureParadox

  1. Cheers dude appreciate it, wouldn't have been insulted either way if you'd have said no since there was a time limit that I missed because I didn't pay close enough attention to what was going on
  2. Most of mine fall somewhere in the middle of that which is why I just wanted clarification. They're going to be new scores in the sense that I've never uploaded a 7500 wPrime score before, but it's also done for the 2018 team cup that I never uploaded.
  3. Not really according to the OP. Any new posts require CPU-Z 1.91 or above.
  4. Just to clarify since I've not been home a few days. I've got 1 or two gold scores that I'd like to post but I'm happy to do so with points disabled, would that be allowed?
  5. Yano you could also just not be a cheating piece of tihs. That is probably the easiest solution of all ?‍♀️?‍♀️
  6. As someone who has a USB full of old subs that I never got round to putting up, can I suggest something really simple like a tickbox on the submission which excludes the sub from seasonal rankings? That way it's still fine for the "all time rankings" but doesn't allow anyone to boost their seasonal ranking score with old subs.
  7. 13 and 15 now sold.
  8. I assume you mean DDR3 D9's?
  9. OP cleaned up and price dropped on the 2KW PSU and EVGA mobo. Crosshair V-Z to be added tonight as well as TCCD as soon as I get pictures sorted
  10. Where the hell have you been hiding PJ? Merry Christmas to you too!
  11. If you just did your job we wouldn't have to bully you like this.
  12. He hasn't we all talk daily as a UK group, he's just busy with university and making excuses as to why he won't buy an extension cord so he can get power to his bench rig
  13. I see there still some raw emotions there but I'd like to chime in on a few points with regards to this and take it as you will. 1. I believe for the most part it is for end users now, there's no intel enforced XTU anymore and as far as I can see no hardware sponsorships forcing you to bench what you want. 2. By all means you can if that's what you want to do. The ranking systems and points are only what you make of it. It's a lot harder to get an old 775 first since people have had 12 years of benching those CPUs compared to say a 32Core global first today which you get almost automatically get a first just from participating. I personally don't care much for the points but understand those who do so again this is just what you make of it. 3. I believe the biggest issue is that systems like Ryzen and Coffeelake are just far too expensive and far too boring to begin to drag people into the XOC scene for them to want to push further. Pure multiplier OC is in itself easier and the game has become more about binning than it is about tweaking and testing, so hence a smaller competitive base. 4. Yup happens to the best of us, can't argue with that. 5. Was this due to sponsorship reasons on purely just to keep up with the leaderboards? I personally feel that if it's just for the points then that also would have caused your issue in point 4 since it becomes more of a chore than simply something you're doing for fun.
  14. OP updated with sold items, permitting I can leave work early tonight there should be some TCCD to add in the next 24 hours
  15. Okie dokes will dm now
  16. Wrong type for Luumi unfortunately
  17. bump, updated the OP with price drops of things I still have a hold of as well as added new stuff. More DDR2 coming in the next hour once I've finished my dinner
  18. Can you re-run this and get 9 more points please :)
  19. Why does the cascade have a switch with two "on" options
  20. Also, surely the team should be Canadian?
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