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Everything posted by ObscureParadox

  1. With the greatest of respect, people must look at you daft when you go to purchase a set of straighteners anyway
  2. agreed, cooling is epic The only thing I would worry about with the cooling is the battery doesn't like being too cold, other than that you should be fine
  3. Isn't the 4890 TOP using the volterra chips found on the reference 4890? If it is then you can just use GPU Tool for that. You should have all the voltage control in the world for that card then. Can't help you with the 5850 though
  4. Save the validation file on your PC first and upload it on a seperate PC later
  5. You missed the 2 lightnings But Strat's right, these will only wok on MSI cards so you'll probably get it for your 580 but nothing else.
  6. This, there is an issue on my 775 boards with this too, I have to have sensor 0 on all my 775 boards now.
  7. Still waiting on an answer for this, if it wasn't meant to be closed by now then that's pretty bad news for people hoping to compete. I know I'm out of this now because of it but I'm not worried that much.
  8. I think that answers any questions I could have, many thanks strat
  9. I can't really tell from the pics but was this a custom PCB card or a reference digital card? Nice score all the same dude, you got the card flying with the Epower
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