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Everything posted by ObscureParadox

  1. Bump! Added some Asus motherboards and GPUs
  2. Good stuff dude!! I didn't realise you were still benching :)
  3. With regards to the CB changing depending on FSB, this is similar to what happens with Athlon 64 for example in my personal experience. These wouldn't be necessarily correct numbers but just to use it as an example now. 200-600FSB - 140cb 601-620FSB - the cold bug gradually gets worse etc, feels like an FSB wall limit but increasing temp actually let's you set the higher FSB which can be a massive pain. It only seems to happen at the highest possible fsb's for any given chip.
  4. Actually that's exactly what I did when I started out benching. A bunch of my Socket 478 scores on water are done in winter, at night, with the window wide open in my room. Ambient probably about - 5c in my room. Even in Wales we don't get the chilly - 20c I dreamed of.
  5. Just don't break my 775 scores and we'll get along just fine ?
  6. You sure it didn't 404?
  7. naww man, you know how much effort it was to run this xD Just kidding great score! Will have to try and beat it again sometime ;)
  8. Ahh awesome score! Was waiting to see someone post some results with this board :D
  9. Oh no no don't worry, I just had that light bulb moment when I looked at the rules and saw it wasn't noted.
  10. I think I was the only one to do 533 on 1:1 too from what I can see I just never got it 100% stable and might have forgot that today was the last day
  11. I just noticed something now which isn't down in the rules but I feel like it should be, can we limit the competition to 1 card only? Just feel like a quadfire setup in this competition kinda goes against the whole ethos of it
  12. Because some people chose to abuse the system and play innocent That ruined the fun for all.
  13. Just as an FIY for future ref, you should be setting a price as part of the forum rules. Edit : nvm, didn't see it was a want to trade thread
  14. To be fair his result with cold bug was due to information from myself. I had about 3 sticks cold bug on my phase which does -55c ish. I've since taken a couple of sticks cold and both of mine got full pot so I must have just been unlucky with the first 3. For max MHz binning though I think you can just get away with doing just that on air. Set a voltage paramater and timings etc and just see where the sticks crash. Is a hell of a lot quicker than binning for 32M. Bigger problem for me though is I now need to start binning motherboards as my only two P45 boards hit hard limits on the memory controller that no voltage or timings could overcome. Again I don't know if I just got unlucky here or not but I'm not even close to hitting the limit on my 850MHz stick since it could do those speeds at 2.3v or there abouts.
  15. If they're irrelevant then why hide them?
  16. Leauges is always a sensitive issue. We have the current league system because people were complaining that those using phase didn't want to be compared against those using LN2 etc. No matter what you do 50% of the people will be annoyed.
  17. Some people just want to watch the world burn
  18. Could also say just Pentium 4 DDR2? That way it if anyone wants to use a 478 to 775 adapter they're more than welcome to. It wouldn't be as competitive but it's opens up the options a bit
  19. bump, X58 Classified Price Dropped and a couple of EK LN2 kits added.
  20. That's why I suggested 775 P4, just more people have the boards.
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