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Everything posted by Strong Island
Hey thanks a lot for these mods. Did my first vid mod, it was fun, for some reason my card is like .8 at idle behind the vid table. But with vid set to max I get 1.62v which is enough, I dont hit ocp/ovp. I also did both mem mods. But didnt realize these cards have horrible cold shutdown. As soon as I get to -48c, right before -50c, the card shutsdown with almost no voltage on core and mem. Did anyone do a cold shutdown mod or try a bios? Got it to 1075 core at just -40c, so with an fb mod for a touch more voltage and remove cold bug it could be really nice. Got first place in aqua and 01 but that was mostly because of cpu. The hynix mem is pretty great, almost 1400.
Xtreme Addict - GeForce GTX 1080 - 13sec 242ms GPUPI - 1B
Strong Island replied to websmile's topic in Result Discussions
wow nice -
there is a small incentive to bench more popular categories because you get more points in those benches for top scores. But i get what you mean, if traffic was more condensed to a smaller amount of benches, the competition would be higher and top scores would be harder to get. I just dont see it as a huge problem because there are good submissions in all the global point benches
I totally agree, that's why I love the legacy benches and older hardware because it gives people a chance with less money to better there profile. I also agree that the amount of benches doesnt matter. it gives everyone a chance to bench something they like, if you dont like it, let someone else have fun benching it and move on to something else. But ya it would be terrible to move hwbot to a place where you need 6950x+titan x to be able to move up the rankings. I agree. My only thought was maybe releasing points for 4k benches will help a little bit with the cpu costs. But you still would need a $1000+ gpu and 4 core cpus arent that cheap, so you still need a lot of money. I honestly love things the way they are. I was just trying to throw some ideas out. ya it's true, the legacies take a lot more tweaking skills. I still have a lot of trouble in efficiency with them even with a good cpu. With the legacies you do have to squeeze every last bit of efficiency out to make a top score. I love them, it gives me something to look forward to, to learn how to become efficient. And gives more things to tweak.
ya it's a good idea and also takes the 6950x out of the equation for those benches, which I like. It's totally cool if someone wants to use 6950x but it will be nice to not have to if you cant. With 980 ti and cat 720p you could get a really competitive score with a 4 core cpu. So cat 4k should be even more like this obviously. And fsu will be similar. Could add a little life to gpu benching
I agree with some gpu benches being won with stock cards. I hate even saying it because I know the people benching them still had to do a lot of work and it took a lot of tweaking, but it is silly when they are supposed to be gpu benches. I would love so much to see firestrike ultra and cat 4k gain points, and then maybe remove cat 720p and regular firestrike. Could help clean up some duplication while releasing more pure gpu benching I think we have a nice system now that a lot of people are used to. We should tweak it more instead of completely revamping it. And to the guys who have a totally different opinion, I completely respect it and see where your coming from. I think it's cool we can have an open discussion with differing opinions that doesnt turn ugly.
I see what your saying but 1008mhz gpu clock is the highest I can find right now for those benches at least in the top 20. The score I beat had 36mhz lower core clock. So just because the cpu is clocked high doesnt take away from the gpu acheivement. I could have taken those scores with lower cpu clock but I was pushing everything to the max. And 05 and 06 I did downclock the cpu a bit and it didnt make 1 difference in the score. So that's why I dont understand why these things are just looked over "like oh he has no skill, it's all the cpu" Even though it took me 4 days to mod that card and 6 different cards to find a nice one with Sammy mems, some came dead. Others didnt make it. Everything was pushed to the absolute limit. isnt that what this place is supposed to be about. Making our hardware cry.
I get what your saying, I dont think it should be based mostly on hwboints, but a good balance is good right? What is so wrong with benching old gpu's? I mean how many times can you bench a 980 ti before you want to try something else. It's also a nice place to start for people learning about volt mods because things are bigger and less complex. Not everybody was around when the cards first came out so it's good to go back and bench these things and gain that same experience that veterans got. I think it should be balanced so everyone has a chance. Maybe 25 hardware slots is a good start. And I agree on the locked xtu. But it's funny because now most people in the top rankings have it so when 743 comes out we will all drop evenly, haha.
ya when I was benching the 8800 gts 512mb, especially with 3dmark 05, 06, and vantage, the cpu didnt have a big impact on the score at all. I had to go thru 5 cards, most had quimonda mem, some died from learning how to epower. But just because the cpu is at a high speed doesnt mean the gpu wasnt pushed really hard. I just felt like making that point, because I think there is a great place for this kind of stuff here. People seem really excited with the new cheap gpu comp. It's really fun to me and I never thought to myself 1 time, oh man a sponsor might not care about this. I'm not saying I dont want this hobby to grow, I mean who wouldnt want to make a few dollars off something they love to do. But it's not what pushes me, just for some reason it's fun. I sometimes dont even understand why. But just because you dont like a benchmark doesnt mean it should go. I mean maybe someone really loves benching it. There are plenty of other avenues to get points, we need something for everyone. If I dont like a bench I dont care if someone else has points in it. I will just choose what I love and roll with it. A lot of choice isnt bad.
I dont understand a lot of the hate towards the legacy 3d benches. If there used with older cards why is that bad? I can understand if someone uses a 980 ti/1080 on air and just clocks the cpu. But I wasnt around years ago and been having so much fun lately benching older cards that I missed out on. I mean even if you have a nice cpu, if your still pushing the gpu really hard and to clocks the same or even higher than years ago, then what is the problem. And a lot of the older benches you only need 2 cores so it's nice for people that dont have a ton of money. It's like everyone only wants what's important to them to be included in the point system instead of having a nice balance of everything so everyone has a chance to compete in some way. And if someone doesnt like something then all of the sudden it's crap and takes no skill to run, it's so frustrating sometimes. But I do agree we have a lot of duplicate benches where you barely have to change any settings and can run back to back. I also really think we are missing out by not enabling points for fsu and cat 4k. I mean this can help take the cpu out of the equation and make gpu benching a little more pure and cheaper. I also agree the multi gpu's takes much more skill to run on ln2 than single but I think we should still make single gpu a very important category because that is how most gpu benchers will be benching. I dont think I could ever afford to bench a current multi gpu system.
if your going above 50-60c that voltage will start to create instability. With my 780 I was doing like 1.55v on water but at around 55c it becomes really unstable with a lot of artifacts.
I bought a bunch of 1.4k resistors to do the ocp mod just in case I didnt go with epower but ya the epower bypasses any ocp/ovp. I did a vmem mod and added 6 caps for memory and 6 for gpu. I also had to do a trim pot mod on the epower for voltage control because my evbot died. It's nice because you can use dip switches to go to like 1.3v-1.4v and use the trim pot for the rest. Also since I didnt epower the memory I had to cut pin 15 on the primarion controller. I really have no clue why this is all fun to me but I had a 3 day weekend and spent the whole time working on the card, the first one didnt make it. But it was so much fun.
zeropluszero - Core i7 6700 @ 3980MHz - 1380 marks XTU
Strong Island replied to sskmercer's topic in Result Discussions
nice score and sick memory -
I love 3d but a lot of those companies also have vested interest in 2d with there mobos, memory kits, ssd's, I also see g-skill banners and the like. We cant adjust our point system based on sponsors liking it or not. Most of us bench with our own money and did it on forums before we came to hwbot. I'm not saying that's what is happening here, just wanted to comment on that. I actually love hwbot the way it is.