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Everything posted by ksateaaa23

  1. some names which are shown differently. kicsipapucs = sony hd gti_jason = hardmad ozzie = tom.randle.10 ground1556 = Rusty_Js R0gue = coylpittman
  2. nothing wrong in the sub. i have seen a10-7700k as processor instead of i7 7700k. so requested to change the cpu. but now the sub shows i7 7700k. i might have seen it worng, in that case, i am sorry. you might have edited the sub.... is there a bug............. no idea.
  3. no problem sir. some divisions are giving and some are not is the problem. remove points all divisions till the competition ends. other divisions are also not perfect. there are problems in stages. ranking should be upto 5. but at least they are giving some points.
  4. For participation in this comp. None of the participants getting points. Please check the points in profile. This competition points doesn't feature in the individual points. I had 138 points round 1 and still have only 138. Should have 79 more through this comp. I checked other participants points also. This comp is not featuring in points in the member profiles. One clue is awarded points. All zeroes, which should not be. here are the attachments of comepetition points of all three participants of div v round 2. also awarded points. ksateaa23, OVIZ Hardware Lab, waltstoy
  5. Should I say, two div., I.e., div vi & vii wrongly configured to start 1st of may with old background and open for submissions, when someone try to submit were fixed on 1st may 7.30 pm. Indian time.( comps start @ 5.30pm India time.). Then all div changed to 5th may but not sure when the background details were updated. But now as per new official details by 5th may all comp.started with new background.
  6. Div v not giving points for participants. (Check awarded points. All zeroes). First,second, third etc. And stages. What I mean is the leader should get 100 points to his comp. Points, I should get 79 for 2nd as of now and so on.
  7. Actually when div vi & vii were showing to start on 1st may, the official background was showing old one(same as round 1). I have run subs with old background but decided not to submit.
  8. pls change to div ii. (both div ii & iii are showing div iii)
  9. i checked the most popular bench on bot.(last one month submissions) xtu submissions are staggering -5518 submissions (april 2019). 184 submissions per day. (just to cross check, march 2019 xtu submissions are close to 6200.) comparitively other benchs nos. as follows (per month) 1. super pi 32m -339 2. cinebench r15 -452 3. x265 1080p - 217 4. wprime 32m - 274 5. geekbench 3 multicore -217 few 3d benchs 1. firestrike - 211 2. 3dmark 11 performance - 155 3. timespy - 263 4. 3dmark vantage (p) - 112 5. aquamark - 108 xtu is more popular with masses especially rookies, novices. it's much easier to run. so points are required for this bench. now i have seen 4-4.5% (some cases almost 10 percent) gain with this version which is not acceptable to rebench old hardware with this version. xtu older versions can't be updated to this version. intel recommends uninstalling old version and installing this new version & further updates will be pushed automatically. this is a new benchmark & needs a separate category. anyway globals are removed from this bench. what we have is only hw points. keeping hw points will make rookies, novices happy. personally i don't like this bench much and neutral in my opinion to keep hw points for this bench.
  10. Its changed just now to 5th. Div vi & vii showed 1st may as starting date till I submitted.
  11. aquamark stage of comp. not working. can't submit but the file can be submitted through normal submission. https://hwbot.org/submission/4144649_ksateaaa23_aquamark_geforce_gtx_480_314889_marks/
  12. New version of xtu.
  13. enabling windows update and get automatic update to update to sp1 and then install kb3033929. is the easiest fix. installed it on one of os which is not having sp1 through automatic update. only thing is i have to activate in 3 days now/ again i have to use REMOVE WAT.
  14. i had the same doubt, so i enabled windows update(automatic) and also enabled in services. still couldn't get it working. actually out of 4 os, two are without sp1, which is a prerequisite for installing kb3033929. something is broken with my ultimate sp1 & home premium sp1. i had another os in my office which is in dual boot with windows 8., windows professional sp1, windows update disabled, yet kb3033929 perfectly installed and HWINFO working perfectly. have to install os fresh to fix it or clone it to start participating in ROUND 2.
  15. i have a problem with hwinfo. it's not working with all 4 windows 7 installations i have, asks for update kb3033929 and when i try to install the same system says i don't need the update. so it's not working. hwinfo is working fine with xp, windows 10, windows 8.1 here is the screenshot.
  16. this guy is benching sandy bridge/ivy brdige and amd cpus everything on windows 10. i have reported one or two subs & couple more for missing screenshots etc. mentioned that you can't use windows 10 on those platforms. attached rules link. he says he can't understand it. here is what he replies, "Thakns for reporting my submits of g2030. ? I really dont know whats wrong with them but if you have good feeling, everething is okay. Have a good day." "You must have boring life if you need to snoop in low end submits. Enjoy." he is ranked no.2 in novice league and benchs everything on windows 10. if i have to report then i can report each and every submission except the ones which are allowed on win10. THERE WAS DISCUSSION TO MENTION THE OS IN THE BENCH. DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO THAT FINALLY. IS IT POSSIBLE TO ADD OS TO SUB, MAY BE MANDATORY AND ALLOW SUB WHEN PROPER OS IS USED? ALSO NO COMPETITIONS FOR ROOKIES & NOVICES(ROOKIE RUMBLE & NOVICE NIMBLE). THEY CAN UNDERSTAND THE RULES BETTER AND CHANCES OF FOLLOWING RULES WILL BE BETTER.
  17. i have z370 gaming k6. max ram voltage of 1.8v. board does fairly well on memory oc can do 4000 13-13-13-28-1t or 4133 13-14-14-28-1t with galax 4000 kit. but if i can get the voltage upto 1.9-2.0 v probably should do 4000 12-12-12-28-1t. have a raspberry pi as well. like to know if that process worked. have a bit of working knowledge of linux.
  18. this is a serious comp and don't want any doubt. so tried to take a video but memory stick details are not very clear. hence given couple of photos of stick along with xmp identification in bios and os. with the stick serial no.............430(last three digits) and 3466 visible. that should be more than sufficient to prove that everything about that sub is right. other stick in that kit is ..............429 and it is a 2*4gb 3466 kit. have an advice for acm_fan, choose your words carefully.
  19. my memory clock sub is reported by acm_fan, "TWO DIFFERENT MODULES, IT'S CHEAT OR BROKEN RULES" cheat is a wrong word and should ask for a clarification, it's better if you can avoid using that word without knowing it & should have been avoided, and i have not broken rules. i always go by rules. when i purchased 3466 kit(in 2016) one of the stick i received is 4140 and that's been always used for higher frequencies. now if you see the sticker it will show only 3466 and timings of that but when you look at spd you will see 4140 19-25-25-45-1t. hence the confusion. IF ANY ONE GOT DOUBT, WILL GIVE A VIDEO OF THAT. BUT I AM LITTLE SURPRISED PEOPLE PICK UP LAST PLACED SUB TO REPORT IT. (from 2016 till now all submissions of G.SKILL competitions you will find the same stick pic). WHAT IS USED IS WHAT POSTED IN PICTURE. edt: could find couple of comps where the same stick is used. 2016 g.skill qualifier https://hwbot.org/submission/3152004_ksateaaa23_memory_frequency_ddr4_sdram_1997.7_mhz/ 2016 team cup https://hwbot.org/submission/3253137_ksateaaa23_memory_frequency_ddr4_sdram_1987.9_mhz/
  20. Manual recalc. Is working. I had couple of achievements on socket 1156. 10 cups and medals & 100 hw points. Not awarded automatically. Hit the recalc. and got both achievements.
  21. Thanks. Will try that. In one OS I might have exhausted how many times I can open. Asking to register now. Uninstalled and running non pro version.
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