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Everything posted by ksateaaa23

  1. Thank you. Can do little better. May be get it to under 11 min.
  2. 20th score for PCMARK VANTAGE Hall of Fame is 38818. so submitted 38818(which is 21st score now) instead of 39552. still worth lot of team points. for a moderator to fix. http://hwbot.org/submission/4012811_ksateaaa23_pcmark_vantage_core_i5_6600k_38818_marks?recalculate=true all scores higher than 38818, i will submit 38818 till the problem is fixed. have a score of 41301 with i7 8700k. https://www.3dmark.com/pcmv/614885 planning to run with i7 6700k which also likely to score in similar range. these are worth lot of team points. requesting moderators to fix.
  3. pcmark vantage global top 20 score can't be submitted. it says valid link is not available. doesn't work with or without http etc. this is a pcmark vantage with 4 cores. I have a 6 core sub also. can't submit them,. the problem is there for few months now. https://www.3dmark.com/pcmv/616753
  4. retail kit bought on ebay for 247 USD including shipping and customs forgot to charge the duty amount. Galax HOF ddr4 4000 RGB. does fairly well. 1933 12-11-11-28-1t or 2000 12-12-12-28-2t
  5. 1933@ 12-12-12. https://hwbot.org/submission/3987828_ksateaaa23_hwbot_x265_benchmark___4k_core_i7_8700k_14.291_fps
  6. Board is doing 1933 12-12-12-28 but not working with base clock adjustment. 1910-1920 only booting with 12-15-15-28. Have a z170 ocf needs to be modded. Ram does around 2025+ 12-12-12
  7. if you have more than one score, individually do recalculation of the submissions with lesser score will make the score 0 even though they may appear to have more subs(duplication) but only top score gets points.( at least you will not have multiple points for the same bench and different scores) attached an example. one sub gives 16.2 and other 0.
  8. please add lenovo k8 plus. on hwbot prime device is not identified. http://valid.x86.fr/a/he46ve
  9. interested. how about shipping to india.
  10. fixed. submited scores.
  11. div vi not working since yesterday(almost 24 hours). hope they will fix it soon.
  12. seems like cpu gains. max gpu clock is only 400 on gpu-z.
  13. 2 days of hard work. 1750-1802 and lot of scores in between but finally got it. clockgen for oc & memset(tight timings) used. highest clock submitted using t5300 by me is around 2340 few years back.
  14. gpu pi reads it as hd 6970 but it is sapphire hd 6950 with unlocked shaders.
  15. tried with ie9 and webpage score is up to 11 pages. q6600@3913mhz - 20456. https://www.3dmark.com/pcm05/3227073
  16. can we use gtx 295 by disabling one core.?
  17. my score of 1695/4 cores xtu gets only 1 point but scores like 1582, 1611 etc are getting two points. also points are not in the pattern mentioned in the rules like 5-4-3-2-1. can some one explain for my understanding. also if you can show the bonus points(additional points) separatedly that will give a better understanding of scores.
  18. while taking the screen shot the geekbench test window was behind the score. so it is not visible. you can see both windows of geekbench on taskbar. but there is online validation url attached. will it be accepted.
  19. exactly same setting result of hd 6950 with & without extra shaders unlocked. g3258@4700, mem 1498mhz(2996). gain is around 6% by unlocking from hd 6950 to hd 6970. gpu clocks 953/1382. ksateaaa23`s Unigine Heaven - Xtreme Preset score: 1523.03 DX11 Marks with a Radeon HD 6950 ksateaaa23`s Unigine Heaven - Xtreme Preset score: 1612.22 DX11 Marks with a Radeon HD 6950 but it is a proper hd 6950 which has dual bios swith(sapphire brand)
  20. ksateaaa23`s 3DMark 99 Max score: 10140 marks with a GeForce FX 5500 PCI 128bit i could submit for the same stage. no problems for me.
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