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Everything posted by Massman

  1. Yeah - I know. Still, I don't know what subtests take a hit. Or is it in general? Board related?
  2. I don't if they nééd the modifications, I just got them in the mailbox . One's to increase OCP to 320A, the other one's to increase input power.
  3. Seems like all goes down well untill SLI hits 4-Way, then major performance drops. Have you compared the subtests to figure out what's the issue exactly? My best guess would be that the CPU bottleneck becomes too great and non-GPU dependant subtests take a hit?
  4. Tested this one (I think) at Campus Party and it definitly not bad. With each pot, of course, you need to get used to the behavior, but once you have the feeling, it's quite enjoyable!
  5. Will go to a friend's place to run 980X + Lightning on LN2 with the board. First some hardmods (will share if I don't kill the board) ...
  6. - No NF200 - Prices are said to be ~300$, but I see that EU shops already go to 300€ and below, so $ might decrease - Full retail vailability in two/three weeks. I was told early June.
  7. Moved post. This isn't a feature, nor a suggestion for a feature
  8. !! IMPORTANT !! I have just recieved the message that the rule regarding the usage of ES samples is removed from the competition to avoid confusion
  9. Oh, by the way, scientists developped some thing with the name "thumbnail". It's easy to use
  10. Oh, you didn't tell me your B1 was good for 5GHz uncore . Nice overview and results. Any things we need to pay attention to when pushing the mainboard?
  11. Just received the retail version of the Xpower board. Here are some pictures.
  12. In every case I've seen so far, the hw_id is missing from the table (NULL value).
  13. Is there a way to track down the result_id from the application_recalculation table?
  14. Same here, XP is mostly better. Vista was for the older generation of hardware (think Wolfdale)
  15. There seems to be always one submission 'blocking' the recalculation flow. I've removed it from the queue and made the engine recalculate the points. Should be fixed in a couple of minutes.
  16. It doesn't work? Didn't know. I've added the 1.51 Extreme in the opening post. This one works perfectly with the R5870 Lightning I have here. For those who use Lightning, be sure to use the correct bios version: http://hwbot.org/forum/showpost.php?p=52044&postcount=10
  17. comments on scores are actually forum posts, so you can look up the comment on the forums and edit your post.
  18. Memtest stable for 1h30, no errors. SuperPI 32M exactly 1 loop stable
  19. Was hitting 2000CL7 unganged stable for 19 loops through 32M two days ago ... it's a pain in the ass :-/
  20. Last update with the single stage. Just received a new bios, but tests will be postponed for a couple of days. DDR3-2150CL7-8-7 237MHz BCLK 32M stable
  21. Knut used exactly 198 different CPUs so far
  22. There is no spoon (officially) ...
  23. No - it's just easier this way. For your information, I'm sharing this as end-user to end-user. Not as MSI to end-user .
  24. One way to get higher on the ranking is if you agree with all overclockers from the middle east to buy ONE brand. However releases the product first gets massive sales, so manufacturers will try to release the products first.
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