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Everything posted by TerraRaptor

  1. What can it do for cache frequency?
  2. +1, same problem - cyrillic letters don't work here anymore. Here is an example of "Russia" in Russian - ***1056;***1086;***1089;***1089;***1080;***1103;
  3. NVIDIA dropped XP support for newest hardware in latest drivers.
  4. Very well done, will try to beat this tomorrow as I'm finilising my s370 setup
  5. Good score. Would you be able to compare performance of BX/815 given the same clocks/timings?
  6. I do agree. Besides that won't make difference at all as scaling was linear for me with CPU and gpu had a very small impact (except some classic tweaks).
  7. according to previous discussion FPM only. Dunno about cpuz. Still no category for FPM @hwbot btw.
  8. just for global top20 (top20 of any cpu models)
  9. well man, LOD was accepted by community a long time ago and it was a battle those days if it is legit or not. LOD is rather an exception - wireframe hacks and manipulations with textures is forbidden since the beginning.
  10. Common sense says that score growth can not be higher than change in clocks. So if you raise, say, gpu freq +10% (2000 to 2200) the score can not get +20% higher - it must be counted a bug as the growth is expected to be equal or less than 10%.
  11. X99 normally sucks in XP for me - either HAL bug or smth else but 3D performance is horrible even with older cards when comparing the same setup between Win7 and winXP.
  12. thanks. I have also checked it with 1.4S @ 1.63Ghz and the result is quite the same. So I'll stick to it rather than continue with celeron - celeron is able to go up to 2.1 with ss but it wouldn't match the performance of pentium anyway.
  13. Gradus, you'll see it by end of June.
  14. What would be the price for 512MB 210 2-2-2 then?))
  15. That sounds nice. Hope someone will break 15K in 01.
  16. So what about stage 2 - any P3 processors or only slot1 as CN says?
  17. As far as I can see round 2 allows any s370 cpus including tualatin ones. Please clarify on this as I need to decide if I should by VGA or not - I don't want to spend money for slot1 so if round 2 is limited to slot1 cpus I don't need X800 as well.
  18. Good ram anyway. I'm at early 27x-s now and voltage bump from 3.6 to 3.9 doesn't help - anyway I think it is something else except ram is holding me. Probably I need to do NB/HTT mods at this stage or swap CPU to a second FX57.
  19. Okay, now I have motivation to bench it)
  20. Happy birthday Sasha!
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