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Everything posted by Noxinite

  1. Huh, you had no issue with damage to the delidding edge when doing Pentium D/Celeron D?
  2. So I got my DDM2 today and tried to delid some 775 CPUs. Two dead E8400 all good and delid fine. Dead Pentium D = knocked a sliver of metal up off the delidded edge and breaks the tool. Exactly what happened was: I put in the CPU and lined it up, tightened the screw with the allen key, kept going as it seemed rather stiff, stopped to find the delidding edge had started cutting across the top layer of the CPU - damaging both the IHS and itself. To get it to work now I need to make a shim of kitchen towel and put it under the CPU. It seems that some of the older CPUs are shorter than the CPUs this is designed for. So watch out with trying random CPUs. @der8auer
  3. GPUTool seems to work for me?
  4. Noxinite`s SuperPi - 32M score: 9min 47sec 391ms with a Core 2 Duo E8500 FYI I had down to 9m 47.219s with a bit of tweaking, but overwrote OS with screens on while benching for team cup.
  5. Noxinite`s SuperPi - 32M score: 9min 47sec 578ms with a Core 2 Duo E8500
  6. So many peoples. Thanks all! Stick needs high volts to boot (but then clocks fine) now after my last few sessions, so might be a real pain to try and get any further on LN2.
  7. Where's the background? Apologies for my impatience. Edit: Also are you allowed to remove submissions from this competition (unlike the vendor competitions)?
  8. IHS Removals, How to do it, Should I do it, and the Facts! Found this list here of which chips are soldered.
  9. That's a massive rise in temps. I didn't test core MHz in benchmarks, but that is probably where gains will be.
  10. Nice, I was wondering if this tool worked for 775. I haven't seen any gains for valids (FSB and core) yet on delidding though (only tried a few conroes so far).
  11. I have an M2RS and it does seem identical to the M2RSH (except heatsink). It has a q-code reader as well. Are you thinking if the 790FX instead of the 790FXB?
  12. Thanks everyone! +10mV/+40mV/+10mV/+40mV Not your chip, that only seemed to do 5.45GHz 32M @1.6v, but also did 5.9GHz valid @1.7V. This chip only validated around 5.75GHz @1.7V though.
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