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Everything posted by GtiJason

  1. Check here ASRock X299 OC Formula OC Guide (living review)
  2. Titan Xp had its 15 minutes of fame. Amazing result Vince !
  3. This cpu can run Windows 10, how's the experience ? I feel like that's a lot to ask of it since my $50 Walmart tablet with same not winning any races. GJ BTW !
  4. Nice job with the new she-pee-ewe and 6.66 Venom !
  5. Top 3 should be "shunt mod" aka removing Nvidia's power limit. It would me sense to me that the other empty 2pin jumper is OCP like you wrote (as I dont think this board has a heater that needs activating) The remaining 2 3pin jumpers would be a useful way to activate voltage control and having a super fast way to return to stock volts (default position). That is unless this is already done for you then I'd have to say PLL and V droop. Don't take my word for it tho, I'm sure @buildzoid would know for sue
  6. 4266c13 hey, Nice B Die O....... that's sum nice ddr3 !
  7. I am getting the same message with my Z170X-SOC Force ln2 board. Happens anytime I connect usb flash drive in the 2 front facing ports. Any Idea if there are similar fuses @sofos1990 @dinos22 ? Also experiencing usb problems like hardocp had in their review of the non ln2 board. They suggested a bios update should solve the problem but I've tried at least 3-4 different versions and am currently on what I believe to be the best/most recent bios x14b https://www.hardocp.com/article/2016/02/23/gigabyte_gaz170xsoc_force_motherboard_review/7
  8. Quick fyi, I tested all 6 of the 2000c8 sticks for Brady but the usb drive went missing during my move. It's somewhere either here at my new home, at a 10'x30' storage unit or at my brothers house since this house is smaller than the last one. Only pics I have are pretty random from playing around with them early in my testing so Bigblock990 chose not to say what they can do without solid proof. The sticks are good by Corsair psc standards and if I were selling them I'd ask $60/per set of 3. If you would like to know exactly what they can do please pm me because I do have the notes from testing. Brady's just trying to keep a good rep since he only saw a camera shot from first boot of my testing. I respect that and any info obtained from me is on me and has nothing to do with him. GL to all !
  9. Nice score G Waldie, now I've got a number to aim for. code name: turkey's the target
  10. Yeah DR4, excited to see what you'll do with L315
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