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Everything posted by Rauf

  1. Nice score! You just need to adjust the volts probably to finetune the rsvd. Have you noticed any degradation of cpu yet?
  2. Yes, core 3 and 4 are strong @Radi First few runs were uninsulated. Now I have painted it with LET.
  3. Aceton works fine. Clean die, inside ihs, outside ihs and pot carefully with aceton. Then apply a big blob of kryonaut on die. Mount ihs, put some kryonaut on ihs and mount pot (I mount very tight but not sure it is actually needed). I have never had a single crack this way. No need to heat up or cool down in a special way. Just pour. You can reuse the kryonaut on the die if you don't remove the ihs. I tried it and could do 5-6 sessions, but eventually it will crack. So I redo it every time just to be sure...
  4. And 980 is (was) high end. Div III is for mid-low end
  5. I do not agree with allowing 980, 980 was high end when it was released. I thought the point of the different classes were that we would have to spend alot of money to buy stuff specifically for these competitions. Just use what is in your price class, i.e. what you already have. Why not allow 3770k/2600k they are cheaper than 7350k...for me it is illogical.
  6. Rules don't say 980 ti is not allowed. Maybe update rules, not everyone reads through these threads
  7. I think 3F is memory problem. I had this my first run on LN2 on this board. Turns out it wanted to train memory at 48/49 6/6, and I had locked it to 49/50 6/6, like the usual. It had worked on air previously... Might also need to adjust subtimings...
  8. To how high? The ones I have tried max out at or below 6.7, with proper scaling based on air results they should do 6.8.
  9. Yes it does, no cpus after 639 scale on cold... (so far of course)
  10. Just started playing with this board and noticed a couple of things that might save you some time: - OS installed on Z170 won't boot on Z270. Maybe it's different ahci-driver or something other that's easily fixable, but I reinstalled all OS anyway to get a fresh start for Z270. - I had lost my XP64 iso from Z170 so I had to make a new one from just folder structure. That is not the easiest thing! But after several hours I found this program that worked like a charm! The Official ImgBurn Website - Fantastic little program that won't let you fail. It will make an iso file out of your folders that works with firahelper. - Using VGA in last slot can cause black screen when installing XP. Use first slot. Now I have clean installs from XP32/64, Win7, Win8.1 and Win10. Let the fun begin!
  11. Good cpu, nice to see you submit some as well, even if you don't want to compete for rankings!
  12. @Massman @Ney Any update on this or the benchmarks revision (which ones get globals)? Points are dropping day by day for the legacies, especially 3D. But the most demotivating thing right now is the points distribution. It is a very "elite way" of distribution points today where the only the top three gets good points and everyone else get more or less the same points... I think this is very outdated and only promotes pay to win (get a few titan xp for easy points).
  13. Crazy cpu, congrats. Any air testing to report? And batch? I still don't know what to bin for really
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