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Everything posted by Lucky_n00b

  1. That Physics and Combined scores are AMAZING - keep pushing it!
  2. Wow it's getting REALLY close now. Time to bench AMD 32M again, nice result bruh :D
  3. I see the same weird thing, I can bench at 5800+ yet performance is not as good compared to when I benched at 5700-ish, I guess instability at the max clocks makes scores lower (need to check this behaviour with various samples though, this is the only one I have)
  4. Nice efficiency! You're keeping 1:1 with full pot?
  5. Nice Memory Frequency - keep pushing it! :D
  6. Mas, disarankan next time Cinebench-nya jangan di-minimize ya. Sedikit tertutup cpu-z / hwinfo boleh, tapi sebisa mungkin window Cinebench masih terlihat. Thanks
  7. Coba cek lagi di submission guide, ada yang salah atau tidak itu screenshotnya :)
  8. Hahah probably need to mod the card to bypass the power limit 1st if I wanted to go LN2 :)
  9. Nice and informative test! (really hard to find these kind of quality content these days) Do you think it can be used to mod 'small' gpus (1030-class gpus maybe?) or the application will be suited best for memory power and/or other minor/aux rails?
  10. Thank you for the explanation - it really helps!
  11. I missed this one, so this is the current FASTEST AM4 CPU ever? Congrats man :)
  12. Probably the most impressive score for this launch. Congrats!!
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