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Everything posted by MaddMutt

  1. Excellent Run :) Super score you have. Any more frosty pictures?? Now that you have 1st with the AMD HD-68xx series, are you going to do the AMD HD-78xx series???
  2. Was this a throw away card?? Not enough prep time?? You went to fast on benching because of streaming???
  3. You need to use Benchmate...Where is your Motherboard Tab?? This would fail validation. I still love the run though :)
  4. I look forward to your other submissions :) I also like the frosty picture :-)
  5. Great Work :) Did you run this as a direct die?? This SUB is another reason we need to use BenchMate -> Thumbs Up
  6. The use of the FAN is going - above and beyond - to cool that CPU :) I love it..BUT did it work???
  7. I've noticed several TOP 79xx scores where the memory was running 3600~3800 @ 14/15-32/38
  8. Try re-benching it with BenchMate. Since You didn't use it..Your submission is rejected. You need THREE (3) CPU-Z tabs for 2D submissions. They are : - CPU, Motherboard, and Memory tabs. I also include the SPD tab. This is a habit you need to get into when submitting scores :)
  9. Thank You For that Great Picture. I can feel the cold from here :)
  10. Nice and it was not done on a CHVF(Z). To bad no Frosty Picture :(
  11. I just got my CB-20 (i7-8700k) black listed because the bench picture was covered. I was using BM 0.8.1 and sub the score at the beginning of the comp. I have since burned a cpu pin and will not be able to rebench the board. I thought this was the whole reason for the use of BM as it takes out the guess work. It also make up for when you make small mistakes like forgetting to include XX tab. FYI -> The current leading team also has the CB-20 picture covered. Does this make theirs illegal?? Thank You
  12. I would normally be okay with what is voted by the community. I have a problem with x265 2.2 in scoring. This my be classified as a BUG or a CHEAT it's all how you wish to look at it We have the x265 4K 2.2 in this years TC - 2019. I pulled out my "OLD i3-6320" to compete in the Dual Core section. I noticed that SWEET - (I've talked to and also looked at other scores) using the same Motherboard and CPU combo - BEAT - -> Destroyed <- my x265 submission. I had over 1.3GHz higher CPU&IMC speed but he scored 2x better than me??? https://hwbot.org/submission/3955708_maddmutt_hwbot_x265_benchmark___1080p_core_i3_6320_8.845_fps Is this problem reproducible YES... Here are screen shots of the the x265 1080p and 4K results. I do not have my system overclocked but running at BIOS default. Is this limited to only this CPU, CPU/MB combo, Software, Ect, Ect??? Thank You
  13. You be Rolling in that 5.0 :) I Mean 6.5 :) As always - I love the Frosty Picture.
  14. Very Nice :) I also Love the Frosty Picture that was included - Thumbs Up -
  15. Can you update the front page to tell us what version is current. You could just leave Version number blank and have link to benchmate.org instead of having to search.
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