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The Official April Extreme Clocking Competition


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I have tried to upload my XTU score. I have the hardware and got further than some so I'd like to participate if anything just for the lucky draw. When I save my profile after the benchmarking finished the score is not saved into the profile. I have tried so many times by now with different names and everything. If I press compare online it is uploaded correctly to hwbot and I can submit my score, but to compete here I have to save the profile WITH the benchmark score. Can someone please tell me this before time runs out? What do I do?
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Hi richba5tard, At first it didn't want to let me do it. Now that I got my RAM to run at a higher speed with tighter timings, suddenly it will save my benchmarks run. Maybe it could have happened because I ran various runs and saved them, to get the best run. I could not for the life of me get it to write any sort of number in the "score" column on the profiles tab, no matter what profile I used or if I created a new, now it seems to be working out of the blue. Anyway thank you very much for writing back!
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4 hours ago, fgi said:

Hi all,

Can you share, secret for high iGpu points?

Is there a way to set driver to performance or anything else? 

The secret is high igpu clocks. Also ram makes a huge difference as well as cache. So if you're not running 1:1 cache with your 5 ghz cpu as well as 4000 12-11-11 then you've already lost. Also you're gonna need 1600+ mhz on the igpu on an 8700k.

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4 hours ago, yosarianilives said:

The secret is high igpu clocks. Also ram makes a huge difference as well as cache. So if you're not running 1:1 cache with your 5 ghz cpu as well as 4000 12-11-11 then you've already lost. Also you're gonna need 1600+ mhz on the igpu on an 8700k.

Are you serious?

I think that everything on default will do the magic.

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Thanks for the report yosarianilives, I'll make sure I fill everything out exact just for you moving forward. Hell, here's a better idea, maybe you should just become a mod. With the amount of reports you throw around, would really help out the others so they can move on with the real work  


also, I don't know if you realised, but this is a competition man. Handing out info mid stage is not cool. We all sit here for hours/days working out what we need, and you come in handing out info. 


Go go back to your hole til the end of the stage please. 


Time to change out of my cranky pants now. 

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10 hours ago, KaRtA said:

also, I don't know if you realised, but this is a competition man. Handing out info mid stage is not cool. We all sit here for hours/days working out what we need, and you come in handing out info. 

Lol, giving information on how to OC something? Man such classified sekrets. If you don't want to share whatever super classified sekrets you have feel free, but I'm not about that lyfe. The OC community is just that a community, not sharing tweaks, especially when they're just "OC harder", kills the community and is generally why it's in the state it is now. It's not like I was sharing the fact that lower desktop res = higher score or any actual tweak like that. If you know how to get any other tweaks like lod or something similar going lemme know after the comp, I will be very interested. I know that all the stuff like triple buggering lowers score in my testing, as well as trying to do something illegal like lowering anistropy or aa through the driver. So afaik it's truly a tweakless gpu and I like that. No bullshit, just OC harder.

10 hours ago, KaRtA said:

Go go back to your hole til the end of the stage please. 

Acting like I'm not benching for this too, lol. My soc is just being a little shit so it needs some taming which is taking time.

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10 hours ago, KaRtA said:

Thanks for the report yosarianilives, I'll make sure I fill everything out exact just for you moving forward. Hell, here's a better idea, maybe you should just become a mod. With the amount of reports you throw around, would really help out the others so they can move on with the real work  

You realize that I literally just reported it for being in the wrong category so it could be moved to the correct category right? It's not like that will result in it being taken down or missing from the comp. I don't understand why people get pissed off when they sub under the wrong category then it gets moved to the right category. It's not like you messed up your screeny and your sub got taken down.

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15 hours ago, KaRtA said:

also, I don't know if you realised, but this is a competition man. Handing out info mid stage is not cool. We all sit here for hours/days working out what we need, and you come in handing out info.  

So it's only good if people share stuff in secret? :/

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There are literally no findings. Literally just saying clock higher. I had a hard time realizing how you have such a hard time with something that's the equavalent of telling someone to git gud, until I realized that the person took my advice, got gud, and beat your score. Is this how you respond every time someone beats you? 

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My apologies for coming on strong. But it's competition at this stage. 


I don't have any problems with my score being beaten, as it's a placeholder. Just the timing of asking and receiving help that's wrong. 


It is a crap bench for efficiency though. Not sure why it would be included. 

Edited by KaRtA
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In this stage and test everything is tweaking. Yes overclock gives more point but if you check my first result frequencies are the same.

Tweaking gives around 30% boost in points or more. We will see at the end.

I'm sorry for asking about tweaks.


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K I quickly crosschecked some subs of stage 2


When screening, CPU-Z must read out 5000 MHz or less, no fluctuations above 5000MHz are allowed !!

Also make sure the CPU-Z Mainboard tab is also there, even though an FM link is needed you have to make sure for competitions that your screenshots are 100% as required in the rules


Have a nice day

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