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this SHARING has to stop!!

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Mate...I couldn't care less what you do, we are living in a free world, you can bench LN2, cascade or whatever pleases you. What I do not like is hypocrisy and bragging about benching a cascade, like that does not cost money or does not give you low temps. It makes me laugh my ass off when I see a "poor" western European complaining about money...If the best you can do in a country like Germany to earn money is fix old computers...you have a problem my friend, bigger then the existence of sponsored guys in the overclocking scene ;)


Germany??? .., Monstru my dear.., lets stop this now.., let me take pride in what I do.., even if i´m just fixing old computers to get me round the corner..., must laugh :-)))

Obviously "workout" didnt help.. :-))))

I hope we meet some day and can laugh bout this..!

This will be my last post here...

Take care all benching dudes and dudettes!

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Sweden...like that makes a difference to me....Sweden is a country with a very low standard of living and poor people...especially compared to rich Romania where dogs have quad-cores on their backs and money grow on trees, no?...I suppose some fellows living in civilised countries have no clue what Eastern Europe is about... As I was saying, your problem lies somewhere else, and this is not the place to search for a solution....

Edited by Monstru
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Agree with Monstru on majority of his two previous postings, but i think we're really off-topic now :)


Ditto :ws:


I think we will be getting such hardware sharing reports for on and on until hardware and software developers don't find a way to ID a cards' S/N in a screenshot.


Just gonna go out on a limb here; are S/N's really the only way to distinguish cards from each other?


Does anyone here know W1zzard? (afaik he made GPU-Z happen)



/t0m :celebration:

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Both results would be added to their personal total, but only the result of person a would count towards the team total.


This sound pretty fine by me, that would put an end to HW sharing discussion. Problem is that teams with more TOP o/c-ers will have a big disadvantage....

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These two results have almost the same CPU(Freq+Vcore),GPUs and memory clocks.

Is this sharing allowed?


Result #1. Sergey13: 119633

GPUs: 2x4870@859/1140 with 800/1100 default

CPU: E8600@6252Mhz 1.952Vcore



Result #2. MayK: 120295

GPUs: 2x4870@855/1150 with 800/1100 default

CPU: E8600@6268MHz 1.952VCore



The same situation with AM3 scores:



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I don't know who you are, but you can see pics of hardware here http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=1547 . We have more then one E8600 that can do 6300+ but this results were MB limited. Also this freqs of video are usual for stock. And for me it's not so strange that 4870 from one shop and bought in one day have almost same freqs.

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Hi Sergey,


Can you explain why the formatting of the screen shots is nearly identical as well? I can understand hardware performing similarly, but it is highly unlikely two different users will format their screen shots the same way.





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