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The official HWBOT Country Cup 2011 thread.


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you have to beat this, http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=33196


which is so fair lol. but i think you'll put the gpus on subzero


No, because:


- I don't have the background yet

- I won't have the cards for much longer

- The cards won't go on LN2

- I'm not allowed to compete anyway, i guess




Dunno if this has been asked, but is a laptops CPU and GPU considered to be IGP? For example a GT550, HD6870M or similar???


They are only considered integrated if the VGA is either inside the CPU or inside the chipset.


Most laptop gpus are actually not integrated, I think.

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Then Belgium's out .. all of it.


but seriously, I don't think it'd be fair for men who thought of the challenges to participate in a very time-limited contest as additional information on what stage X is going to be gives them an unfair advantage


I'll give you a compromise. I won't:


- do the AMD 3DMark11 stage

- provide a 'best' result in any of the 6 other stages


So, I'll help a bit, but won't be 'decisive' in any of the stages. Sounds good?


you have to beat this, http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=33196


which is so fair lol. but i think you'll put the gpus on subzero


Cards are gone and I just finished the competition background. The team will have to figured something else out!

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How does it work for the average if say only 4 people from a country participate? The average may be higher than a country with 5 participants. Will they still be considered higher in the ranking because the average is higher? Does it rank based on number of valid entries and then by average?

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