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Possible hardware sharing


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Get a card that can do 1400+ memory, and you will improve your score. Memory is crucial on a lot of cards (8800gts 512, 9800gtx+, 3870...etc), if you don't know that is not my problem.


90% of my scores are hard worked and in not verry easy to support conditions. I post no cheat scores or bugged scores on Hwbot



Found a video with 9800gtx+ with 1043fps on Nature/2001, i have video on 1107/1404mhz 3DM2006 GT3 with HD3870 and on this moment i upload 1400mhz HD 7950 aircoling.

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Vista and 2k5 is common knowledge since years, spend more time testing and tweaking guys, the fact that one thing does not work for you it does not mean it's not working, it means you are not doing it right :)


Regarding sharing:



1st thing - the 4870 with nachtfalke is not the same. Nachtfalke lives in Germany, Ramiro in "far away land", those are just the same model, no sharing here ( I have pics with boths cards if anyone needs to see them).


2nd thing - Ramiro lives very far, in the forest, in a small village ~50 km distance from the biggest city around. Because of that, he does not usually get packages send directly to him with carriers, because there is an extra charge from the big city to him. So , for instance, whenever he has a sample to receive, me or Matose get it, and then we send it to the big city, where a friend of his that goes to work there daily picks it up from the carrier's office and brings it to him back home. I know this sounds weird, but remember that we work together and he gets lots of samples for coolers and VGA's for air-cooling tests, so when you work with the carrier 10 times a month, those extra 15-20 Euros the carriers asks, that add to the usual 10 Euro fee can become a problem.


Now, Ramiro is very addicted to benching old cards and such, and he is allways hunting for "special" pieces, from Romania or other countries. Err0r lives in Bucharest and receives those cards for him, and then sends them to him as I explained above. YES, in this case, Err0r benched all those cards before sending them to Ramiro and uploaded the scores, which is wrong and he should have known better, but I suppose he thought it is ok since they are not on the same team. The cards belong to Ramiro and Ramiro's scores are ok (and much better I might add)


LE: Just for the record, it would be easy to say that Ramiro bought the cards from err0r, and that solves the problem, but neither me or Ramiro believe in this kind of gimmicks. We are both men of our word.


Now...does anyone need more proof? Anyone else upset with Poparamiro and Nachfalke beeing that good on air? The scores are legit and done on air-cooling, I can vouch for that, and I think most of the people here know what my word means...

Edited by Monstru
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Get a card that can do 1400+ memory, and you will improve your score. Memory is crucial on a lot of cards (8800gts 512, 9800gtx+, 3870...etc), if you don't know that is not my problem.


90% of my scores are hard worked and in not verry easy to support conditions. I post no cheat scores or bugged scores on Hwbot



Found a video with 9800gtx+ with 1043fps on Nature/2001, i have video on 1107/1404mhz 3DM2006 GT3 with HD3870 and on this moment i upload 1400mhz HD 7950 aircoling.


I've always liked your scores, it's clear that a lot of hard work is done on all of them.

Winter this year seems to be generous to overclockers in Bulgaria and Romania, doesn't it? :D

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poparamiro, I asked you not about frequency. If you can see, my question was about operating system used :)


I try on xp, i get no better result, so i get to vista. It's no bugged or cheated, on the previos run i get this:


Talking about cheated results, hwbot is full of them in 3DM2006, a have none 2006 cheated results.

Edited by poparamiro
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Ok, thanks


So, i found some old video with 9800gtx+, and i upload also HD7950 on aircooling.


My 8800gts 512 can do 950/1400mem on aircooling. (~1.55v)




9800gtx+ 972mhz 3Dm2001 N aircooling (~ 1.45v)



HD7950 1400mhz (1410mhz screen) 3DM2003 N aircoling



HD3870 1107mhz 3DM2006 GT3 aircoling

Edited by poparamiro
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Regarding sharing problem:


First thing err0r is my friend and he helped me a lot to get those cards (meet with people, test them...). The cards are mine and i pay for them.


He do not mod them, results can be seen, just make some fun with them.


It was wrong to post the results on hwbot and i do not interdict to post with my cards so part of blame is also on my side.



So, if the hwbot stuff decide that he must ban or other penalty, i ask for the same treatment.

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You cannot force anyone to do or do not so something, especially a friend who helps you out with something, so I do not think that is the case.


However, even if I know err0r to be e very nice person, and a very enthusiast overclocker, this is not according to rules, even if he is not part of the same team. I blocked all the scores in question, and I really hope I never see this again, EVER. Of course, if fellow HWBot Staff Members feel that more measures need to be taken, I will second that.

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You cannot force anyone to do or do not so something, especially a friend who helps you out with something, so I do not think that is the case.


However, even if I know err0r to be e very nice person, and a very enthusiast overclocker, this is not according to rules, even if he is not part of the same team. I blocked all the scores in question, and I really hope I never see this again, EVER. Of course, if fellow HWBot Staff Members feel that more measures need to be taken, I will second that.


I thought that if two benchers were not on the same team... and the scores were obviously not done at the same time, it was ok?


If the same card cannot be used by more than one person, then 2nd-hand sales are almost impossible? HWBot can't enforce it most of the time anyway.... most cards behave in groups of similar MHz. Bad, average, good, excellent?




I can only see a problem if the second set of results were done without the component owners permission?

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I thought that if two benchers were not on the same team... and the scores were obviously not done at the same time, it was ok?


Yes, this is the general idea, but this is a gray area and I wouldn't support sharing of any sort. As HWB rules are right now, it is how you say.

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In my opinion the line is very thin, but reselling a part to other overclocker is a little bit different. The main difference is that the first owner got the part from a shop or as a free sample from manufacturer/sponsor. Then he sells it to another person who may or may not submit results to hwbot. In many cases you can't even know if it had been used for benches in hwbot or not.


The other situation that applies to those 2 guys is somehow different. err0r didn't buy the hardware for himself first, as I understood from the explanation, but pre-benched the cards and then sent to the intended owner. However it's not the obvious hardware sharing like "hey, give me your card, I want to bench 3DMark06 and submit a score. Then I'll give it back to you".


That's why I asked if I decide someday to sell some of my cards, let's say in a local hardware forum, would it be a problem if a teammate buys it from me? What happens if some other guy buys it and after some times resells it to my teammate? Are all these hardware sharing?


You could have easily hide that fact, but it shows that you're honest overclockers. Big respect for that and for all great scores. I hope err0r won't be too upset and just produce even better scores with different cards.

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No upset at all taken, first I really didn't think that testing briefly with a card I had in my hands and no modding or whatsoever will bring so many problems to my friend poparamiro and me but I got your point here , my bad that I upped on hwbot with something that didn't belong to me , won't happen again. Second , if penalties should be applied I take full responsability as I was the one who did it with those cards that were not mine. Third , I do this o.c thing as a hobby , I didn't really think that not being a pro or something would affect that much things like this HW sharing rule or other rule , my bad again and will try to pay more attention from now on. Last , thanks for all support from my friends , nachtfalke poparamio and Monstru who knows that I don't do this for some hidden purpose or some mysterious benefit , just having fun. Thanks for letting me clarify this.

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I think people have to decide wether they use "pre-benched" hardware to make sure they get a good one and submit scores or try to handle things on their own, even that means to go through like 10-20 8800 GT/S to finally find one with good ram, low mem-cb and other issues...


...even if you have pre-benched hardware you still have to put some work into it to really get the most out of it.


Personally I am not a fan of that - could have done it many times before...never did...I can't, it's against everything I ever lived for in the benching world.

Remember 975X-days....just drive 600km to stummerwinter, put some cards in his system and be Top10 just to say "haha AwardFabrik has 2 people in TOP10"...or we could have done that on GC or Cebit...actually we never even thought about that, we focused on benching together for him and I could always say "I was part of it, I was there"...enough fame for a blindbrain like me :D



In that night i stay from 1 AM to 9AM in ~ -2c ambient for 3870 results.


pussy :P:D



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