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Aquamark3 Wrapper V2 BUG Thread


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So, GENiEBEN, are you going to create the scorefiles from the data sendt to you by PM at all? :) Just asking, as the time pases.


You know, it is pain to have setup for really slow benchmark, especially when you have to work with the original Aquamark 3 and go thru the menu, when my mouse have 10sec lag to any movement... (30MHz FSB x9 Athlon, nVidia Vanta LT 25/30MHz, MS-6340 mobo ... the Jetway V600DAP is too fast to be the slowest, 500MHz Duron is still too fast :( )

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Well, I haven't thought about it at the time... but since these two scores are far from being anything spectacular (179 and 163 points), then I believe that you can forgive me the little mistake.

That is why I took the screens with camera as well... for verification. And it is also MUCH faster that on so slowed down machine arrange all the things. It won't fit into the 1024x768 resolution anyway, most of the screen from Aquamark will have to be covered with other windows...


And I cannot re-run the test now, because I put the Vanta LT into MS-6340 mobo and there are few members:


frames - time

143 - 2:41 (at night)

521 - 8:32 (morning)

535 - 13:45 (kind slow... after launch)

541 - 14:50

547 - 16:51

551 - 18:21

555 - 19:58

564 - 22:56

566 - 23:50


...you getting the idea, right? Two frames took a hour to complete :rolleyes: This is kinda overkill. You have to understand, that mouse moves by delay of about 10 sec in Aquamark.

Starting GPU-Z is 15min easily. Arranging 4 windows with content could take hours...


And there is no reason to change anything between running of the Aquamark and taking the screens, because I cannot make the machine slower or run with different clocks. Bios have 100MHz limit (V600DAP), x5 multiplier cannot be faked or toyed at all (set by switches on mainboard and by conductive paint on the CPU, the most interesting was the way to cut the bridges that need to be cut :D ), 25/30MHz for nVidia Vanta LT is the dreaded nVidia drivers limit I complain about like for ethernity (I think I know now a way now to get around that limit... :P But that is up to the test, ATM the Vanta LT is *busy* :P ) ...


And the only one reason I need you to build the scores is, that the wrapper fail on Vanta LT (and Windows 2000) to run, ending with 0 and claim that this is valid score :P




Come to think that I would need another way that CPU-Z to show the CPU/memory settings, because on MS-6340 does ATM the CPU-Z crash. Probably disabling the SMBus scan will fix that, but after taking week+ long lowest score run I cannot take the risc, not to mention that startng the programs and moving the windows like that will take at least 45min, because the machine is really slow even if I take only CPU and memory tabs (2 instances of CBId ... or what do you suggest?

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Well, I haven't thought about it at the time... but since these two scores are far from being anything spectacular (179 and 163 points), then I believe that you can forgive me the little mistake.

That is why I took the screens with camera as well... for verification. And it is also MUCH faster that on so slowed down machine arrange all the things. It won't fit into the 1024x768 resolution anyway, most of the screen from Aquamark will have to be covered with other windows...


And I cannot re-run the test now, because I put the Vanta LT into MS-6340 mobo and there are few members:


frames - time

143 - 2:41 (at night)

521 - 8:32 (morning)

535 - 13:45 (kind slow... after launch)

541 - 14:50

547 - 16:51

551 - 18:21

555 - 19:58

564 - 22:56

566 - 23:50


...you getting the idea, right? Two frames took a hour to complete :rolleyes: This is kinda overkill. You have to understand, that mouse moves by delay of about 10 sec in Aquamark.

Starting GPU-Z is 15min easily. Arranging 4 windows with content could take hours...


And there is no reason to change anything between running of the Aquamark and taking the screens, because I cannot make the machine slower or run with different clocks. Bios have 100MHz limit (V600DAP), x5 multiplier cannot be faked or toyed at all (set by switches on mainboard and by conductive paint on the CPU, the most interesting was the way to cut the bridges that need to be cut :D ), 25/30MHz for nVidia Vanta LT is the dreaded nVidia drivers limit I complain about like for ethernity (I think I know now a way now to get around that limit... :P But that is up to the test, ATM the Vanta LT is *busy* :P ) ...


And the only one reason I need you to build the scores is, that the wrapper fail on Vanta LT (and Windows 2000) to run, ending with 0 and claim that this is valid score :P




Come to think that I would need another way that CPU-Z to show the CPU/memory settings, because on MS-6340 does ATM the CPU-Z crash. Probably disabling the SMBus scan will fix that, but after taking week+ long lowest score run I cannot take the risc, not to mention that startng the programs and moving the windows like that will take at least 45min, because the machine is really slow even if I take only CPU and memory tabs (2 instances of CBId ... or what do you suggest?

Open your CPUz and GPUz and put them in position before you down clock and start AQM. LEAVE THEM OPEN. After AQM finishes, Prt Scrn to paint, bring your already open and placed CPUz and GPUz tabs to the top overlaying your AQM score that is now waiting in paint, Prt Scrn all of it to paint and save. All done. ;)

You now have a screenshot of AQM with all the proof you need in the same screenshot.

Edited by Mr.Scott
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Well, I downclock in the bios, there is the trick - setting FSB 112 cause it drop to 30 (or 33.333, depending on CPU). Also cache kill is a bios thing... so booting is painfully slow and there is no way around it...


You can make the system crash bad just by wildly clicking on many mouse buttons, when it is busy opening windows. Opening window is not a small task as such slow system. You can see them windows being drawn...


Also you forget, that CPU-Z crash on MS-6340. Probably need some exception as to not touch certain SMBus registers, but that will require a work on it with Franck - and he is currently busy with the new site design and new validation code of CPU-Z. Even the new 1.73 version crash, of course.


I already "been there" - CPU-Z need disable the SMBus on Sapphire A9RX480 mobo. After some work HWiNFO autor figured out what on with SMBus registers bring the mobo down and Franck added the ignore for these ... and since that CPU-Z can run with default settings (eg. scan SMBus) on the mobo.

There is the thread about it: http://www.hwinfo.com/forum/Thread-Solved-Sapphire-A9RX480-HWiNFO-crash


Exactly same must be done first, before you can even say "CPU-Z" again :( There is no way I can start CPU-Z on MS-6340 currently. It is not a problem on V600DAP, but that was too fast.


If the wrapper just works, there won't be any troubles...


BTW, it have 588 frames in the morning, so we have some time to figure out what to do. I can photograph the score and hopefully the details too from screen and then try place the score screen into mspaint. I cannot open modern GPU-Z (you quessed it - it crash too), but 0.4.6 version (last onefor W2k) works nicely.

As CPU-Z substitute I take try with the CBid, but not before I save the result in case it crash too. That have to be enought, because it is too painfull to work around 1000 bugs in everything on machine, where simple right mouse click on desktop to show the menu "Properties" took about minute or two (don't know now) to be recognized and draw the menu...


Yes, it is THAT painfully slow.

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GENiEBEN - so, what's the holdup on the two scores, man? I give you EVERYTHING I possibly could.



Mr.Scott -

Don't know what to tell you.

What about - if CPU-Z crashes, then you can use alternative program in just this case and just untill CPU-Z become fixed - or the cursed wrapper become fixed?


But, for starters, please stop telling me what is not true: "Everybody else manages."

That is a monstrous lie. There is NO Aquamark bench made on MS-6340: http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/ms-6340/

You can wonder why.


So at first it is not true what you are telling me at all.


Second - let me see, what other benches are there, except mine:

Christian Ney - 118MHz FSB: http://hwbot.org/submission/2202823_ (CPU-Z used is old, so not comparable with the new one and no Vcore is visible - likely he use the SMBus=0 option to prevent crash - but where you see that guaranted with latest CPU-Z version? Do you really want to tell me, that I lose that superlow (2frames per hour now!) Aquamark bench just because of stupid technicalities that can and WILL get confirmed that they are NOT my fault? Seriously?)


Quentj - 850MHz CPU clock: http://hwbot.org/submission/627810_ (again very old CPU-Z v1.40.5 -NO VALIDATION- and with questionable Vcore 2.720V, as the mobo did not have any changable Vcore, so I would strike that value as crazy... but once again, no validation, so... in that case the score is there, but in my case you need EXTRAPERFECT validation? Why that double standards?)


Quentj - PiFast score: http://hwbot.org/submission/627652_ (same as above, -NO VALIDATION-)


Quentj - SuperPi 1M score: http://hwbot.org/submission/627653_ (same as above, -NO VALIDATION-, now the Vcore is 0.672V for Duron...)


Quentj - SuperPi 32M score: http://hwbot.org/submission/627805_ (same as above, -NO VALIDATION-)


Quentj - wPrime32M score: http://hwbot.org/submission/627756_'>http://hwbot.org/submission/627756_ (same as above, -NO VALIDATION-, w/o EVEN SCREENSHOT!)


Quentj - wPrime1024M score: http://hwbot.org/submission/627992_'>http://hwbot.org/submission/627992_ (same as above, -NO VALIDATION-, w/o EVEN SCREENSHOT!)




So, let me recapitulate it:

- there are only THERE people that ever benched this mainboard

- one (Christian Ney) submit only highest FSB and that it is

- the remaining user Quentj submit scores w/o validation of the CPU-Z at all, sometimes w/o even screenshot required for the wPrime

- no one except me did any graphic bench on this board (!)


...yet you telling me, that "everybody else manages" and if I understand it right, you are willing to discard the slowest Aquamark run even made just because:

- HWbot wrapper *FAIL* with nVidia Vanta LT, that I reported over 1,5 year ago and it is not fixed by now!

- CPU-Z cannot be validated except using latest version now, witch is *NOT* guaranted to NOT crash when run, hence if I try it, it could very likely freeze my machine (run it 3x, once it worked, twice it freezes right away on "Processors"... when it worked, I started CPU-Z again, hoping to do the screen and saving validation - the second copy freeze my computer!) and therefore I will lost the score and have to wait before ever bussy CPU-Z autor will find a time to fix CPU-Z SMBus reading (add exception) for mobo that only 3 people ever benched on HWbot - how high priority will that be?!




In short, there are plenty of questionable scores (ATI Rage 128 PRO cheaters that claim 255fps on that card on stock - like 1/2 performance of 6800 GT...) and plenty of scores w/o any proof, yet when I do it, you require irefutable proofs, even you know that I cannot provide them.


Is that fair? Is this overclocking, or some sort of personal vendeta?


What parts of "CPU-Z crashes on MS-6340 mainboard" you did not understand? What can I do to not need to run the Aquamark with such settings as give 30min per frame again? Will you settle with video, showing you repeatedly that on stock settings of the MS-6340 will the CPU-Z crash that I made*AFTER* the bench?

Will you allow creating the Aquamark score file from MY informations when Franck confirm that the CPU-Z crash on MS-6340?


What proof you require - and yet what little proof have these scores!



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My 2 cents on this situation.


Its one thing when its a random submission that gives a few HW points and maybe a Cup. But when it comes to competitions and world records it should be done according to the rules. If your motherboard doesnt work with CPU-z or your GPU doesnt work with the wrapper just use a card that does work if its for a competition like everyone else.

I meen I also got alot of those unsuported Nvidia cards and Im sure many others do aswell, and they are easy to get really low scores with in Aquamark, but part of the challenge is to choise the best hardware for the job and if the card isnt suported its clearly not the best choise.


tldr: I dont care if you get those score posted for some HW points, I even think you should get help with that part as the submitted scores for these old cards are just a mess, but they dont belong in a competition.

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Well, because CPU-Z crash and I was running Aquamark bench since 13.8. .... see there:




These are frames and times of Aquamark 3 running on Vanta LT down to 25/30MHz on Athlon CPU down to 30x9 (yes, 30MHz FSB) with killed caches on MS-6340. (the different writtings that most of the text is my GF)


So clearly there is an reason to believe that this will be the slowest Aquamark run ever made. The problems are:


- HWbot Aqamark wrapper fail on nVidia Vanta LT (this is the root of all the problems!).


- I cannot "just keep trying" of older CPU-Z, because when the run finish, I have only ONE try at this. If it crash, then all I have will be the camera pictures off the screens and GENiEBEN won't create the scores from that, so all will end in vain and to repeat this, I need another like 2 weeks or so of waiting :(


- no old version of CPU-Z will be validated ever, so I will not be able to add validation of the CPU-Z screenshot, untill CPU-Z won't be fixed.


- "Why insist on validation for aquamark? Simple screenshot will do." HWbot cannot accept screens anymore, you need to have the validation file. Since you cannot have it, because of the cursed damned bug, the only one way is that GENiEBEN create the scores! And I send him already two older pre-runs to this, with all the screens (score + details) AND all the same screens taken by camera AND all the GPU-Z and GPU-Z windows, just failed to include the screen from the result, as there was no space left AND I was tired from redrawing this too slowly on the screen:

Aquamark_179_pic1.jpg Aquamark_179_pic2.jpg Aquamark_179_pic4.jpg

...and no score was build up to this time. So you see, screenshot was not enought, apparently. So there you have the problem...


- What makes me angry is, that for some people, the rules don't apply. Above I posted few examples, mainly these two tests did not even have screenshot:



...or these scores, where the GPU-Z screens are simply not present:




...and yet, these are valid. When I offer anything besides impossible CPU-Z validation, then it is "not good enought." That is the grief and problem there.




lanbonden -

If your motherboard doesnt work with CPU-z or your GPU doesnt work with the wrapper just use a card that does work if its for a competition like everyone else.


And there we go again - that is LIE. If for other people did not GPU-Z work, then they are free to do validation w/o it. See the there fastest WR on ATI Rage 128 PRO above! NONE of them have GPU-Z screen.

Should they also - thanks to your "logic", "just use card that does work with GPU-Z"?! :mad:

WTF... are you even considering what you write?!

You see anyone going thru this with their mainboard:


...so they are get the "just use mainboard, with what CPU-Z works" BS?


Yes, I choose this mainboard, because it can be switched to 30/33MHz depending on CPU used FSB. That is the reason, why this is slowest machine ever. I did not worked my ass on this to be told - just use another machine, problem solved! That is UTTER BS!


I even think you should get help with that part as the submitted scores for these old cards...


Thanks, to that I agree wholeheartedly.


...but they dont belong in a competition.


And that is where we part. Look... to say it calmly one more time:

I reported the nVidia Vanta LT bug years ago. Just because it is NOT FIXED BY NOW, is there any problem at all.


What else can I do? Okay, yes, as I see it now, I should spendt year on pushing for CPU-Z fix, so I was ready for case, where I'm now. Aquamark is running and the validation won't be accepted, because I will hardly be able to produce a screenshot with the Aquamark result in MS paint (yes, if I just take photo of the details on the screen, that might be done, even it will be about at least 45min work) AND GPU-Z and CPU-Z over it.


Let's say I manage put the screenshot in MSpaint and set it on the screen and open GPU-Z. That seems doable. But once we are talking about CPU-Z, there is reall possibility of crash. As I mentioned above:

I run CPU-Z on this board there times. Twice it freeze the mobo right away. Once it pretend to run, so I started another instance... and get the freeze again.


The older versions of CPU-Z are likely to work, I made (but with SMBus=0 set, hence no Vcore and so on) few screens like that before, but none of these CPU-Z scores get ever validated:




But what if I remember the settings wrong and the - even older - CPU-Z will crash right away? That is why I asking, if I may replace it with CBId:


Central Brain Identifier



...just in case that I will wait 2 weeks to see CPU-Z crash on me, taking the score I waited so long with it. Understandable now?

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Have a card that is giving me problems with the wrapper GeForce2 MX400 64MB DDR 64bit PCI (Not In DB). Have attached image file and AM3 dir from my docs, hopefully what you need. Card is trashing the PCI SDR variants probably some platform difference but the MB isn’t what I would have normally choose but the integrated Rage XL PCI seemed promising but so far haven’t been able to get it to run any form of AM3.


Card was doing pretty well on a slow run was averaging about 25 seconds a frame but came into check on progress and bumped the TV tray I have it mounted on which moved the VGA and froze, oh well always next weekend.


Does the competition only allow wrapper capable cards?



Edited by Aleslammer
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  • 5 months later...
Guest barbonenet

genieben, today i found a bug!!!!


For mistake my system date change to 2081, and aquamark wasnt working!!!!


Please could u fixed it when u have time, or tell it to your gran son?


thanks, it will be appreciated......







Edit: it stopping work on 18/1/2038 :D

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  • 4 months later...


I have a problem with My Aquamark files for the Division VII Cup (Socket 939)


I have saved 3 files, made from different operrating systems, but no one can be uploaded.


The error message says:

""There is an issue with the supplied data file. Please try again, if the problem persists contact the HWBOT crew.""


What can I do ?



Hardware info: Mat_Agnesi`s 3DMark06 score: 6999 marks with a GeForce 7900 GT

CPU Athlon 64 X2 4200+ Sk.939


RAM 2x512Mb DDR1

GPU: nVIDIA 7900 GT@ 800/900.

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