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Posted (edited)

Hi Vivi, I don't know if you got my message, but I'm very happy with my new peace of 4770k Batch L310B488. I'm stable at 4.7 Ghz at through it... :)








Edited by Ponteral
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  • Crew
Posted (edited)

aah i see it now i dont get emails from my hwbot messages :P. Im glad you are happy, L310B is a strong batch.


so far look for

L310B4xx / 5xx

L311B4xx / 5xx



L310B492 me and xtreme addict have seen 6.5+ on this

L310B488 i have had 6350 32m from this, so 6.5 gem is there somewhere

L311B512 i have had 6350 32m from this too, so 6.5 is there somewhere, NameGT also had a good cpu from this

L312B515 is JJJC monster possibly 6.6 32m cpu but it died, also hazzan 6.5+ cpu from this batch AND namegt 6.75+ from this CPU-Z

Edited by Vivi

32M is single-threaded, your thread config doesn't matter :)



Partial disclaimer.... Vivi IS listing good batches, but even within those, there will still be lemons.


I just tested my first 4770k with batchnr L310B488 and I must do something wrong, best with cascade was 5.2 with 1.6V anything less and it would not even boot into windows...

But I only had a couple of hours and its all new to me. :)

  • Crew
Vivi IS listing good batches, but even within those, there will still be lemons.


like K404 said ^^.


scaling batches! Still need to find gems within these batches,


ponteral, if you can do 32m at 1.35v that could be a 6.375 - 6.400 32m cpu if it scales like a L310B488 should. and have the normal cb of -125.


nice CPU jack! is that 1.7v real? well by real i mean 1.7 bios 1.77 DMM


Well. I tried do 32M at 4C/8T and I did that once. I had 1.36V, but I was not able to do it again on this voltage.


Vivi, if you can do 32M 2C/2C 5 GHz at 1.225V.. did you try to how much voltage it needs for 4C/8T? Was it stable on some benchmarks? :)


I don't know what made me get into batch numbers but I'm glad I did. I wanna get a I7 4770K but before I don't I wanted to run a few questions by some people.


I can get a 4770k batch # L310B489 and it's made in Malaysia want to know what you thought about it?

Also do I want on from Costa Rica, Malaysia? What do you think thanks!

  • Crew
So we could say this is a decent batch, even though there are huge differences in the same batch.


i have had 2, both below 1.25v 5ghz,


Xtreme addict had 24, only about 6 i think were below 1.35v for 5ghz, only 2 gems that do 6.5,


so i guess you can say in this batch you have a 1/12 chance of a ultra gem, or 1/6 chance of 6.4ghz 32m decent cpu.


If you can get your hands on it go for it!

  • Crew

hmm very curious batches, have not seen any of those. i would roll the dice haha. i would go for L313 because it ends with "B852" and so far all the good batches are above B4xx, and all the ones i tested below B4xx sucked, so it will play mind tricks on me

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