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Everything posted by Mr.Scott

  1. Yes, but you're probably right. Way too much load on the server to make it worth it.
  2. There isn't. But that's ok. Still would like to see teams ranked using only active members.
  3. How 'bout we not use those inflated numbers anymore. Use only active members. Let's get a real snapshot of how the leagues stand up. That includes the team league.
  4. New year started. Those points are gone. Would still be nice to have them added into career though.
  5. I agree with Chris. He is no hero for this. Either way he looks like a champ. Caught = looks like a hero for showing the exploit (an already known exploit) again not caught = hundreds of free worthless points that everybody (and nobody) cares about
  6. Greece did very well for only the few guys that benched. You have to be happy about that.
  7. Fucking awesome. I love UFO. Movie in first vid was Vanishing Point BTW.
  8. VoltageFactory_by_AwardFabrik.zip
  9. I'm sure there are W9 subs in the CC bro. As a matter of fact, almost every single active W9 member has subs in for their respective countries. That in itself is commendable. See, we just like to bench too. You give yourself too much credit. Nobody thinks of it as benching for you.
  10. LOL. it's impossible to structure only LN2 benchers for team events. Shit like that is what puts off other potential members from even putting subs in. Nobody is going to waste their time if they know a half a dozen guys will just buy whatever hardware is needed and LN2 it all. People need to feel involved and appreciated, not kicked to the curb because they don't LN2. THAT's why you're a shitty organizer. In the last couple years that you tried to step into that leadership role, US participation has actually declined. People don't like you. You're abrasive and conniving. Sometimes the truth hurts.
  11. You're out of your fucking mind. W9 is the most active benching TEAM in HWB. And has been for years.
  12. It ain't a date issue, it's a 'who's doing the organizing' issue. Problem with team US in the last few years, at least that I see, is people to participate seem to try to be hand picked ahead of time. It's CC. The entire country is your team, not just the 6 guys you want to represent you. Just a quick tip for the future: When you over organize, it sucks all the fun out of it. No fun = bad attitude = no participate
  13. You wouldn't be bothered enough to answer if there wasn't maybe a bit of truth involved. Just sayin......
  14. You did fine Alex. Big fan of your work BTW.
  15. I I gave up taking you seriously a couple posts ago. Have a spectacular evening.
  16. So now you're saying that everybody should only bench 24/7 stable machines? LOL. You're looking for personal utopia. You're not speaking for Enthusiasts at all.
  17. I see........ That is as close to sponsored without being sponsored as you can get. Another loophole that needs attention. I'd love to bench on somebody else's dime.
  18. You misunderstand. It's not everybody that cheats, but everybody suffers because of their actions. It only takes one or two cheaters to ruin it for everybody. That's already a proven fact here for almost a decade.
  19. LOL C'mon Alby, people are not even honest enough to declare the cooling that they're actually using, and you expect them to move themselves to the proper league?
  20. Yes, let us muddy the waters even more by dividing up leagues even further when we can't even positively prove the temp or type of cooling used as it is now. Want to see better score and stats? Up your game. There should be only 2 leagues, Pro/sponsored and everybody else. Cooling method is irrelevant until it can be proven positively that your method is actually used in your subs.
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