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Everything posted by Mr.Scott

  1. No. I meant you need a SPD tab in your ss for any comp bench that has to do with memory.
  2. Why have a rig pic at all then? You should lobby for that next.
  3. You said it.......I didn't. I also dig the rig pic shown is running a P4 641 on it. Not even a pic running either of the mentioned CPU's. lol
  4. So......in less than 3 minutes, you had a LN2 bench done, stripped of pot, processor changed, pot remounted, and a second bench done? No confusion here.
  5. Ask a mod to make you one. Or... come visit us at Warp 9. We would be happy to have you on our team. :):) http://warp9-systems.proboards.com/
  6. Ask your new team's captain to re-calc the team. Don't need a mod to do that for you.
  7. Slots not being the same make it completely different. No rocket science involved here.
  8. I disagree. If they were interchangeable it would be a different story.
  9. I would dump the dogpile stages for just that reason. Interesting the first time but impossible to control.
  10. Excellent question. I do understand it's for the greater good, but excellent question none the less.
  11. Your dupe acct is Liq-met, isn't it.
  12. It is encouraging to see both of you at least thinking about the legacy hardware benchers. I thank you for that.
  13. Some legacy hardware will run on nothing but XP or older. You would condemn this to death. I suppose that this would be an acceptable loss for most on HWB, but not for a few of us.
  14. A lot of people would like to see that Mat. Unfortunately, a clean slate start is the only way to achieve that and I doubt you'll ever see that here.
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