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Everything posted by Mr.Scott

  1. Still not showing comp points for team cup. I'm gonna bump this every week until it's fixed.
  2. With all due respect, it made no sense for just 1 division to be open 1 day longer than the rest. You had to think it was an error or at least inquire before the close on Nov. 1st, no?
  3. Luv you man We may not always agree, but still.
  4. Hardware, but we are all a little bit competitive, no?
  5. Thread should be changed to 'moderator appreciation thread'. There have been many really decent, understanding mods here. Too many for me to list. You know what drives them away? The ungrateful, belligerent members here. These guys do this for free, on their own limited time. For what?, So you loudmouths can bitch about everything that doesn't go exactly your personal way? Bullshit. Can't blame any of them for quitting. They get little helpful support from the members, and almost no support from the developers or site creator. The mods are the only glue that still keeps this FREE site up for you fucking clowns. Show some restraint, some patience, and some god dam respect. Is that too much to ask? Albrecht, fishing sounds good. I will join you.
  6. FWIW, I never saw that in you at all. You've always been straight up with the CP/W9 guys.
  7. Competitive benching started in the forums, and will ultimately wind up back in the forums.
  8. Average gamer is a one and done bencher. The old guys are the mainstay of this hobby. Make the change to all new hardware and you condemn this site quicker than it's already heading.
  9. I'll make it easier for you. What's the first line in the rules? https://hwbot.org/news/886_application_14_rules/
  10. You'll like the Nano programmer. Works great. Well worth the money. If you manage to find the 3.23 BPL for NF2, please post it or link me to it.
  11. Xeon is server hardware bro. Can't use it for comp unless explicitly allowed.
  12. Kinda expected to see dem Shrimps up a little higher.
  13. @yosarianilives - You bring this on yourself, by trending as a 'loopholer'. Even your buddy Mickulty has called you out on this before. As Alby has already said, none of the accusations can be proved positively, so it is what it is. That doesn't mean the suspicion will ever go away. Is it really so difficult to bench above board?, and is it really worth it not to? I just don't get it. Must be getting too old for this. BTW, your 565BE CB 11.5 sub is missing the mobo tab.
  14. I would make that more of a priority. Not everybody benchs on a 4k or better monitor. Right now, DSR is the only way to fit everything you need.
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