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Everything posted by Mr.Scott

  1. I understand what you're saying. Tune that out and think 'entertainment', not work. After all, that's what it's really about. Keep it fun.
  2. :celebration: I do Fail......miserably too. Forgot what I actually had in the board and never bothered to look. Just plunked the card in and loaded some software.
  3. Now you're lying. Happy Birfday Geni.
  4. Yes. Getting tougher and tougher to come by. I've noticed also.
  5. There is a 2100+ Thoroughbred AXP. There are no Barton core XP-M's less than 2200+ that are socket 462. MP 1700+ doesn't exist according to AMD data sheet. http://pdf.datasheetcatalog.com/datasheet/AdvancedMicroDevices/mXuzzr.pdf
  6. Already there, in multiple forms.
  7. All I want to know is why CPU's that ran on version 1.4 will no longer run on version 2.2. Are we sacrificing some older stuff to bench newer stuff for compatibility reasons? That's all I'm asking. You stated before that CPU support shouldn't have changed version to version but clearly it has. Sorry if you think I'm wasting your time. Just figured you wanted to know. I won't bother you any more. BTW, I know a little more than you credit me for......not that it mattered anyway.
  8. http://fab51.com/cpu/palomino/athlon-e5.html This might be a good start.
  9. It won't be your OS install. Said it earlier, this bench is broken.
  10. Thank you Genieben. Don't mean to take you away from your master.
  11. Hate is maybe a strong word. Irritating for sure though.
  12. Amiga is not Athlon/Duron. Disabled caches are a hardware limitation, although there are hard mods that will sometimes enable disabled caches. Do some freakin research before you open your trap.
  13. You're wasting your breath Stermy. Don't buy in to the trolling.
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