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Everything posted by Mr.Scott

  1. Honestly, is this really necessary? Turrican himself added it to the database, so more than one person knows it exists. CPU World has an entry in their database. CPU has been dated, it doesn't really matter if it's an ES or not. If you want to take ES into account, it may have even been earlier than 2000. Nobody knows. Point is, it's a valid CPU. You guys can do what you want, we know who the real winner of the stage is.
  2. Or they could have just asked Alex. Use your resources. Thread from 4 years ago. Hope it helps. http://classicplatforms.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=150&t=6317
  3. http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&u=http://1bios.ru/bios/motherboard/chaintech/socket-8/chaintech-ct-6idm&prev=search
  4. Wondering how the hell you figured that out. :celebration:
  5. No input here Alex. Pick something. I'll run whatever you put up.
  6. Point was, it's the exact same system for both parties, right down to the pic.
  7. Sorry, I should have been more specific. There is no option to log in via HWB when trying to submit HWBot Prime from a mobile device. Bottom line is, I can't log in to submit.
  8. No longer a mobile option to log in through HWB. Only Twitter, Facebook, or Google+. I don't do any of those.
  9. http://hwbot.org/submission/2750463 http://hwbot.org/submission/2756081 Seems pretty obvious.
  10. CP totally supports something along these lines.
  11. How will this be enforced then?, manually?
  12. Patience, it will be fixed. You did nothing wrong.
  13. Regarding the Challenger series, are we limited to only entering one division this time ?, or will it be a free for all like last time.
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