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Everything posted by Mr.Scott

  1. http://hwbot.org/submission/2750463 http://hwbot.org/submission/2756081 Seems pretty obvious.
  2. How will this be enforced then?, manually?
  3. Regarding the Challenger series, are we limited to only entering one division this time ?, or will it be a free for all like last time.
  4. Not if it's being misread. Nothing can be taken for granted. @ Mat - You're killing me. I've asked this before, is SSE2 supported or just SSE3? It's kinda important because it changes the platform that we should be benching on. Time is short, we kinda need to know this. This is not a true statement. MacsBeach's P4 560 does not have SSE4.1.
  5. I always bench for fun first. Karl was a hardware hero, an icon to me. Incredible amount of knowledge. Alex (Antinomy) is much the same. Now don't go gettin a big head or anything buddy.
  6. IMO, when breaking down the water classes, you should have defaulted 'water' to 'custom water', instead of 'AIO'. I have subs now labeled AIO that were made years before AIO's were even thought of. I'm not changing them.
  7. I meant in the sense that it's unsupported now. Like XP, it still has it's merits for benching.
  8. LOL. Vista is done too, but XP is still a viable OS for benching. RTC skew in 8, 8.1, and 10. Here. http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=82925
  9. Got it working. You need AMD APP SDK v2.5 for Windows-32 Tough to find, so if you can't find it e-mail me.
  10. Because XP is usually more 'Pi' friendly as far as tweaking goes.
  11. I understand that, but it is no different than moving from 'semi pro' to 'pro' in any other sport. When you decide to make the move, you leave your 'semi pro' rank behind. If you decide 'pro' is not for you, you can delete those subs and move back to 'semi pro'. I just don't see what the problem is with that. The people who are really hooked on OC competition will stay no matter what. They can't have their cake and eat it too. Just my opinion, take it for what it's worth. EDIT- Myself as an example. I have very few sub ambient subs. I am in Extreme. If I delete those subs, I could very well be in the top 40 Enthusiast rank. Does it matter?, no. I know what my skills are and don't need to be rewarded to stay in the Extreme league.
  12. It's certainly not XP friendly. I've been working on it for a week and still can't get it to run.
  13. Just leave it alone. 3 leagues was plenty. You're not gonna make everybody happy even if there was 50 leagues. Keep it simple.
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