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Everything posted by knopflerbruce

  1. There are a few issues with this... for example, you define efficiency where the only relevant measure is the CPU speed, which is wrong. Efficiency must be measured for the system as a whole, if not there's more or less how well the other parts perform - fast ram vs slow ram, some mobos are more efficient than others etc. The other issue is that efficiency improves with a lower CPU multiplier, so someone running 6000Mhz WILL have better efficiency than those running 6600MHz if the only difference is the CPU multiplier. I don't mind having a ranking like this for fun, but not for points.
  2. I wouldn't mind if there was a "use setup X" type of thing. Like, you have to add the setup manually first, and then you can choose that setup as the "base setup" by checking a box or something.
  3. Apart from the receipt thing it would be based on trust. However, the rest of the system is also based on trust (level of sponsorship), so why not let that apply to the ES part of the game, too? I can easily show ebay documents regarding the possibly current gen ES's I own. That SHOULD be a valid exception, as ebay chips are not seeded - they're sold. "Anyone" can buy them
  4. FAIL! Just got this... "Hello, and thank you very much for you order. At the time you placed the order, we had the quantity in stock to fulfill your order . Unfortunately, payment did not come through until after we had sold out of these boards. I am very sorry to tell you that we cannot fulfill your order, and we will be issuing a full refund. If you have any questions, email or call us at (877) 246 4672. Have a great day!" Any chance i could grab one from those of you who bought many of these?
  5. There are current gen ES sold on ebay at the moment - we make exceptions for that? I mean, you're not a pro if you have a paypal account and some spare $$$. I guess receiving ES from HQ or other sources counts as sponsorship anyway. In that sense there is no actual need to have ES regulations. I don't mind being listed as a professional, but it just feels strange that I will be because I spent some money on ebay on these new 16 core chips (or is Warsaw the real current gen and Abu Dhabi is last gen? I don't have Warsaw chips at the moment.)
  6. I got three. I'm not the only one who got that many
  7. Not many left now
  8. I would make a sticky with bad sellers and have him on top of that list. This is stupid.
  9. Just to clarify: this is a an Athlon II x3 445 with Deneb core, where I could unlock the L3 cache. It's not THAT uncommon...
  10. My two cents: paying for some additional features is fine, but the active users should never feel they have to pay to get the most out of the site. Just a random thought: what about the possibility of purchasing the right to fight for certain achievements? Could be interesting for some grinders I think
  11. Yoou wtf'ed me when I finally saw the email I got from HWBot well, good thing you figured it out
  12. Not sure if it matters? Rules don't say that "current" speed is not good enough, which is why I did that, I guess. "Current" seems slower than resulting anyway... To me it's an OK score, as it does show the winrar score in the moment the screenshot was captured. I'll let others decide
  13. Count me out. No money, no time
  14. You can even set the same thread count multiple times if you like you guys are slooow...
  15. It's not consistent, no... bug remember 01? CL good run benching etc. It's nothing new, really Just a bit worse.
  16. We need a BIOS database, too
  17. yea, no scales here C'mon Pete! Tell us! Label the axes!
  18. Try 3-3-2-8 - I think most 1GB modules need CAS3. Some sticks can run 3-3-2-8 into the 270's.
  19. It's like memset, but for AMD Athlon 64 based CPUs. Doesn't work on Phenoms
  20. To me it seems like Deneb/Thuban are both rather slow. Bulldozer/Piledriver on the other hand...
  21. I need water cooling for that, and some more sinks for the poor VRMs. HWBot Prime seems to be less heavy than CB. Maybe I can push 4GHz on air, but not with bare VRMs - especially not when they're trapped between the 24/8-pinn connectors on one side, the CPU heatsink on the other side - and the fan case right above insanely stupid layout on this mobo. But: quality components at least.
  22. Ticket ID: 1857 Priority: High http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/h8qme_2/\r\n\r\nI get this while opening that link: Sorry, an error occured while rendering this page:\r\nDetails:\r\nError message: org.apache.torque.NoRowsException: Failed to select a row.
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