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Everything posted by knopflerbruce

  1. IMO a fair workaround would be to make two screenshots within a short period of time, one with GPUZ and one without (but still with the CPU tab if possible). Not sure if the others agree with me, though... Dealing with buggy software can be a PITA sometimes:D
  2. Create a ticket in the HelpCenter section, and then Turrican will add the card. Remember to post a GPUZ screenie!
  3. Something is wrong here, that's for sure. I've been like wtf all afternoon.
  4. At least the CPU is a part of the equation:D So basically you have to be lucky if your mobo likes your chip, and the other way around? One more thing... does this board like old school Micron D9GTR modules? Just trying to figure out why it's such a PITA sometimes... grrr. I guess there is only one BIOS, right?
  5. I have one that can't even do 315, it's in the socket atm. Funny thing is: it can do 400+++ on LN2, on a different board of course
  6. You need high HTT on LN2 anyway, which is why I like to test these things on air as well. Just trying to figure out if it's my board that can't do more than 365 or so, or the CPU:)
  7. So what's the maxx htt on air on your board? I guess this is a CPU limitation anyway...
  8. It's most likely because of an error in the autofill-function, it seems to override whatever the database says about the CPU. I've seen this while submitting a few times, so I type everything manually whenI use wPrime. I hope I don't have to rebench 20 CPUs now because of all these bugs:D
  9. One thing I noticed... the way the rules are written it sounds like you can disable cores on something like a 980x and bench to get a nice score in the 2 core category. Is that on purpose?
  10. Score checked:) Not sure when the next refresh will happen, give it some time and see what happens.
  11. @Turrican: this is an X2 5200, similar to the X2 5000 that a few guys unlocked successfully
  12. I'll send a PM or two:) I don't want to undo the block before I've talked to the person who blocked it in the first place;) Plus, I'm no 3D expert so I could miss some details here.
  13. I thought the same when I first looked at it, 150MHz more on the GPU and the memory should give you something extra vs the competition:)
  14. "impossible score at given settings, possible bug or other (There appears to be an anomoly in the GT1 and GT3 score. Does not compare with other cards at the same clocks.)" - this is what it says in the log.
  15. Well, this time the 870x string is correct, and the 875k one is wrong. http://cgi.ebay.com/Intel-Core-i7-870-870x-2-93-8MB-SLBJG-SLBP3-LGA1156-CPU-/270611684683?pt=CPUs&hash=item3f01b69d4b The SLBP3 SSPEC is the 870x that I've got. Edit: http://cgi.ebay.ch/New-Intel-Core-i7-870X-2-93Ghz-8MB-SLBP3-1156-/270580439142?pt=CPUs&hash=item3effd9d866 - better link with picture and everything.
  16. No, it's an 870X:D It says so on the IHS, and the CPU string agrees with me:D
  17. I think there was an error with the CPU category, once my internet has stopped lagging I will delete this and reupload to see if it helps. Recalculation didn't help.
  18. Seems to be an error here, when I submit wprime scores they end up in the 1x CPU category:D
  19. Let's add validation for 2000 and 99 Max as well:D j/k Yeah, nice move by FM:) W00t w00t
  20. IC type is also needed SAMSUNG 752 is cool, but what REALLY matters is the speed bin - which would be BJ1A or something in your case:D
  21. There's no doubt this result is bugged. Cheated on purpose? Unlikely - mostly because this is really easy to spot because of one subtest being way better than it's supposed to be. Pretty useless discussion about something very simple... *sigh*
  22. If some subtest is 6x higher than usual, there's something wrong - could be a bug, though... we'll look into it I guess:)
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