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Everything posted by GeorgeStorm

  1. Sorry was just being a grumpy old man, yay for progress
  2. It doesn't really affect me as I've got most of the hardware I've run gpupi on, but it never feels great beating others because the software has got better, nothing to do with you, also nullifies their hard work no? In the end I'll go along with whatever, just pointing out this sounds like a problem to me, and I was unaware you got crazy jumps with xtu, thought it was purely new generations do much better, not that the same hardware does much better. Also @_mat_ I'm confused, so which version is being released, the one that's significantly faster or only 200ms faster?
  3. That basically would nullify any results made previously the difference is so big no?
  4. It's great that it makes things easier for you etc, but does ruin any work people have already put in to benching it
  5. Great work as always, that SS been working hard recently!
  6. That's fair enough, might be worth a note on the benchmark download page/FAQ section though? I had a quick look before I posted here but didn't see anything about it.
  7. Ah so you need to use the legacy version to get cuda 8 to work? (seemingly drivers with cuda 9 cause my os to freeze/lag/crash when going below -60 so can't use them)
  8. Just wondering how to get 3.2 to use cuda? Installed drivers that should have cuda, and gpu-z says cuda, but gpupi only has opencl 1 device (using a gtx980 on W7 or W8.1)
  9. Thanks Thanks, not sure when I'll next be getting LN2, feeding this thing is expensive
  10. Yeah, I've read KP's 980ti guide, but as you say I wasn't sure on 980 vs ti, didn't want to risk bricking it before I'd managed to get anything remotely decent so played it safe. Might try some 03 this evening if I get a working Win7 again (and I may have another go at this at the same time)
  11. I believe this chip was sold last week
  12. Thanks, so it was drivers causing all of my issues the other day! Next time I'll try to get CUDA to work in gpupi as it seems to be quicker.
  13. Also to update this thread, got a 980 hof which seems to work fine with the software I've got, so guessing the 980ti is damaged somehow?
  14. That's my understanding as well, looks to be rightish to me (assuming global is top5 and hw is top3)
  15. Would be a shame to lose it, lots of current top scores use this tweak, so are retroactive bans now going to happen?
  16. Need to see the start button (also this tweak has been around for quite a while, definitely not a new thing as far as I'm aware)
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