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Everything posted by GeorgeStorm

  1. Nice one, was planning to try again with cpu at better settings, now no excuse! :D
  2. Not quite yet, but you better save me a seat when I make the jump
  3. On an absolute blinder recently nice work, need some rig pics though
  4. This actually relates to something I've thought for a while ever since I signed up to get the emails of new WRs etc. Maybe new WRs/GFP scores need mod/admin approval? Stops people having stupid points on the front page with a completely invalid score, and if it does also cause this then it would stop that as well. Obviously would mean they don't get their score straight away but if a popup could appear when the sub is made to explain because it's a new WR/GFP or whatever it requires admin approval I think it would be ok?
  5. Try an older driver, pre 380 type thing (if it's like me you'll lose cuda but hopefully the extra mhz you'll be able to get will outweigh it) At least that's what it was like for me with my 980, newer drivers would cause crash/slow/weird stuff below -60ish. Older drivers were fine to full pot on the same card I think.
  6. Much in the same way only the top 15 globals and top 40 hw count towards your total, they changed it to only 1 div, and then half of that as otherwise other comps were completely swamped by the road to pro series, and it just massively favoured those with lots of hw, and I think they wanted to avoid that a little, since the global and hw rankings often favour those. oc-esports is an extra thing that came about I don't know when, and currently isn't a priority due to the limited people who are 'working' at hwbot I believe.
  7. Still open to a part exchange
  8. Sadly looks like there are still issues, gtx670 vantage ranking seems broken. @richba5tard http://hwbot.org/benchmark/3dmark_vantage_-_performance/rankings?hardwareTypeId=videocard_1932&cores=1#start=0#interval=20 Teammate also seemed to lose a score from it, resubbed this morning
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