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Everything posted by GeorgeStorm

  1. Or looking to trade for an x299 OCF. Also interested in a Z170 MOCF.
  2. Well it was nice whilst it lasted hah, will have another go this weekend, should be able to get the extra 30pts I need haha.
  3. As I said you need to actually check specific scores to see where you are losing points not your totals. My total went down yesterday as one of my scores lost benchmark points, guessing because it shouldn't have had them in the first place not sure but yeah.
  4. Look forward to what you can manage once you get it under some ln2 :)
  5. Thanks everyone, was nice to get this after the card was being a bit off and I'd had a complete fail of a session last night hah.
  6. You're confusing team points and individual points. Those points on the left are how many points you've contributed to the team, your position in the team is based off your personal/individual points.
  7. Mm well it seems your top hardware point submission is part of a bugged score category yeah for example. @richba5tard
  8. Did you take a screenshot of them all before and after so you can see the actual differences?
  9. Note what your current top 15 global are, and your top 40 hardware, then make a new sub and see what changes. You can't tell what's happening from just the total.
  10. Just look at your top15 global and top40 hardware, see what's changing, don't look at the total.
  11. So the 2nd image is after you subbed some more results? GB4 seems to have lost points today in some way so that could account for that.
  12. Hi, Just wondering if there's a way to view more than the top 40 hw/top 15 global scores like you used to be able to (from memory). As when I click the button it just takes me to my 'wall'. Thanks, George
  13. Photos would be good, I'll have a look at postage to France.
  14. Selling purely as I'm wanting to get an OCF instead as at heart I'm team yellow Working fine, only tested with a 7920x as that's all I have, you can check subs on my profile, chip is not delidded or maxxed I feel, just wanted to dive in and do something before realising I could pick up an OCF. Insulated with vas + blue tape at the moment. Board only, looking for £260 + shipping, I'm in the UK.
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