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Everything posted by GeorgeStorm

  1. So you'd rather people just share stuff mid stage in secret, once it's over and things no longer matters then sure share away?
  2. Ouch and the warranty with EVGA is one of the reasons people like them so much!
  3. Well I am bad at benching I'm afraid I've never tried that, this was a chip bought from someone else, I've only ever run it on LN2.
  4. Thought I'd have a quick go, seemed to crash whilst saving screenshot everytime, with skipping and not skipping detection, and having hwinfo full or off. Specs: W7, Q9550, GTX970 (what I was using to run it).
  5. Haha but that's not a fb thingy right, just the forum?
  6. I don't think many people will mind giving FB less insight into their browsing habits Also it doesn't add anything in particular/I don't think many people use it. I always tend to think comments on a score is a much better way of seeing appreciation than the number of likes.
  7. Sorry was just being a grumpy old man, yay for progress
  8. It doesn't really affect me as I've got most of the hardware I've run gpupi on, but it never feels great beating others because the software has got better, nothing to do with you, also nullifies their hard work no? In the end I'll go along with whatever, just pointing out this sounds like a problem to me, and I was unaware you got crazy jumps with xtu, thought it was purely new generations do much better, not that the same hardware does much better. Also @_mat_ I'm confused, so which version is being released, the one that's significantly faster or only 200ms faster?
  9. That basically would nullify any results made previously the difference is so big no?
  10. It's great that it makes things easier for you etc, but does ruin any work people have already put in to benching it
  11. That's fair enough, might be worth a note on the benchmark download page/FAQ section though? I had a quick look before I posted here but didn't see anything about it.
  12. Ah so you need to use the legacy version to get cuda 8 to work? (seemingly drivers with cuda 9 cause my os to freeze/lag/crash when going below -60 so can't use them)
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