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Everything posted by elmor

  1. Be careful. GPU-Z is only reading the VID and not the real voltage. You can trust the reading from this software or preferably use a DMM.
  2. Sorry, my bad. Only Matrix can be unlocked. You can try this for up to 1.35V on the GPU s980ti_tool_v01b
  3. This bios is not designed for FE cards. The claim is improved performance over stock and XOC bios for Strix GTX1080.
  4. I have not tested it and it's not guaranteed to work. This bios has better performance at the same boost clock compared to the previous Strix bioses.
  5. You need to short the ln2 pads for higher voltage, check the first post by XA.
  6. New bios which has improved performance at the same clock speed (+400 points Fire Strike GPU score). Note that it does not have the overclocked frequency by default. strix1080xoc_t4
  7. Is it just voltage control you need? You can try these softwares: https://www.techpowerup.com/downloads/436/atitool-0-26 Tutorial: How to softmod to ANY VGPU you want without hardmods! (1.3~1.6v or more))
  8. This might be helpful as well. Picture from https://www.techpowerup.com/reviews/AMD/RX_480/3.html
  9. It's maxed out from the BIOS side, what you can do is to to set "Output current scaling" to 0.5x using VRMTool from here http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=159288. This is however only recommended for quick benching sessions and not for prolonged use.
  10. Honestly I have no idea, it's a very strange problem. Is it the same if you try it in the second PCI-E 16x slot or the last PCI-E 4x slot from the PCH? Can you RMA the board?
  11. That's a 24MHz crystal that connects to the PCH. I doubt this is your problem, but if you want to replace it the spec is 24MHz 20pF/15ppm DIP 49US.
  12. Ah, my bad. I personally would not recommend this as you'll have a small potential difference between the two 12V sources. This will cause unwanted current to flow between the two to try to even out this difference. They might be from the same rail on the PSU originally but because it's routed through the MB it'll be slightly different. I only recommend bypassing the input filter on the +12V from the PCIE power connector.
  13. This is an input choke which filters ripple and noise before it's used as a source for the VRMs. The balance won't be changed by this, but the 12V input will be slightly less clean.
  14. Should be available in latest version with RX480 support ASUSTeK Computer Inc. -Support- Drivers and Download GPUTweak II BTW, if you're running this card on LN2 I recommend you to short this inductor with something thick or it might be damaged due to the excessive current.
  15. Ok, fixed bios here:atiflash rx480 ln2. Run the approperiate .bat file as administrator to flash your card. ASUSRX480.air Increased power limit to 150W (225W with +50%) GPU Voltage adjustment up to 1.4V in GPUTweakII ASUSRX480.ln2 Increased power limit to 150W (225W with +50%) Current and power reporting is half so power limit is actually up to 450W GPU Voltage adjustment up to 2.0V in GPUTweakII Fixed clock frequency at all times Fixed at PCIE 3.0 at all times Thermal reporting disabled (cold slow fix), be very careful and make sure you have good cooling for the GPU since there's no over temperature protection any more. On the card I tested I had coldbug at -155*C, but it works fine above that even cold boot. It's a bit similar to GTX1080 when it comes to voltage and doesn't seem to like much more than 1.3-1.4V. I could run higher but it didn't gain me any frequency. For example I don't get display output if I try to POST with above 1.3V. The biggest obstacle is however the Crimson driver which saves your clock frequency each time you set it (even from GPUTweakII) which means you'll be booting with high frequencies. I could go into the OS with 1.3V set using eVc at 1700MHz core which helped a lot when benching this card. Similarly as with POST I would lose the display output if I tried to enter the os with above 1.3V. It's just a test on ln2 to check issues etc. I'll leave the proper scores to you guys. Thanks man.
  16. http://d1ejs5fxm96rib.cloudfront.net/Futuremark_SystemInfo_v430_installer.msi You can replace the "430" in the link with whichever version you want.
  17. More soon
  18. Cool You're using AMD ADL or GPUPerfAPIs? I'll send you a PM with further register information.
  19. Yes it should work, worst case with minor adjustments. I just need someone to help me try it. I still have one or two laying around.
  20. Since there's quite a few people recently that's acquired an eVc for use with RX480 I'll post a short guide here on how to use it. First off you need to solder the cables to the below points on your card. It's quite accessible and there's no need to even remove the cooler. Then get the latest eVc v1b5 from here http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=88417 Connect the eVc, start up the software and bench system. If the device is not showing up make sure you've installed the driver and that your cables are connected correctly. Select the RX480 profile and check Enable monitoring. You should now be ready to go If you're having problems with your card hitting the power limit, you can set the Current scale to Half (2). This will trick all readouts to think it's using half the actual power.
  21. Updated with latest software + up to date list of supported cards. New version uses quite a bit of memory (300MB), will try to fix it when I have more time available. Will probably result in a V2.0 of the software.
  22. Tested on a lot of chips and they're all still working well. My question about OC Panel was not related to the problems you're seeing, only if the vdimm was not applying.
  23. Do you also have problems with vdimm voltage not applying? Easily over 90% of dram issues are solved by properly cleaning the socket, cpu pads and dimm slots with pure alcohol or similar + toothbrush.
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