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Everything posted by elmor

  1. It's because there's a memory hole in that location, I think most often from VGA memory being mapped there. Try something like 8GB and it should give you maxmem of maybe 5GB or similar depending on your system config.
  2. Can you post a picture of how the interface looks like with monitoring enabled and hooked up to the card? And a register scan would help
  3. Run once and then it should stick (after reboot).
  4. Thanks to @The Stilt we've got a TDP solution, see first post.
  5. Yes it should, I'm not able to verify however. Correct https://www.techpowerup.com/reviews/ASUS/RX_460_STRIX_OC/4.html
  6. WARNING: The GPU fan is not working with this BIOS. Temperature readout is also not working. It's easy to fry your GPU if not taking care when using it. Flash at your own risk. GPU Voltage up to 1.6V in GPUTweakII "Cold slow" problem solved Always using 3D clocks Always using PCIE 3.0 TDC = 75A, TDP = 72W (highest possible from BIOS side) Hopefully there will be a solution to get higher TDP limits soon. update: TPD limit solved by The Stilt, run RX460_XOC.exe on your system to apply below changes. "Cold slow" problem solved Always using 3D clocks Always using PCIE 3.0 TDC = 500A, TDP = 1000W Note that this also kills the fan on your card, so once again, use with caution! You also don't get the increased voltage limits with this so ideally use both BIOS and The Stilt's fix. If you have problems with it reporting no adapters found you need to clean out any lingering driver entries by DDU: Official Display Driver Uninstaller DDU Download
  7. The situation you have now is most likely that the two VT1165 controlling vcore are at the same address at 0x70 and both manages to accept the i2c command to change voltage. This is quite unreliable for sure, but whatever works I guess 0x71 should be the VDDCI voltage. You can try this version https://www.dropbox.com/s/cpff1olx592apm3/eVc%20v1b5_vt1165t1.zip?dl=0, it has Generic VT1165 (SVID mode) 0x70 and 0x71.
  8. I'd connect the eVc there and make sure it doesn't have the same address first (70h). How about the Generic VT1165 (SVID mode) then? One of the PS voltages should be it.
  9. But only one device is found, which indicates the opposite. Is the resistance between SDA/SCL on both controllers 0ohm? Does it work with the Generic VT1165 profile and if so which voltage is changed?
  10. Found a couple of other things as well, not sure how many of them are available already MSI GTX480 bios (hipro5 coldslow fix with MSI.rom) http://elmor.se/files/msi480_fix.zip MSI GTX480 Lightning bios http://elmor.se/files/480light.zip ASUS Matrix 5870 bios + iTracker http://elmor.se/files/5870matrix.zip ASUS GTX580 DCUII SmartDoctor http://elmor.se/files/SmartDoctor_580dcuII.zip Gigabyte GTX460 SOC bios http://elmor.se/files/460soc.zip Gigabyte GTX580 SOC software http://elmor.se/files/580soc.rar
  11. Yes don't flash this BIOS. I managed to locate a card and will get back to you when I have a working one.
  12. Try the attached version. It has not been tested however since I don't have a card so flash at your own risk. edit: BIOS removed.
  13. Can either of you dump the bios of your card and send it to me?
  14. I believe there has to be a separation between hobbyists comepeting for points at a fair level and persons/vendors persuing the highest performance at any cost. An analogy would be folk race vs F1. Of course it's not viable for anyone to compete with multi-core server CPUs or the best extreme edition CPU out of thousands. To me those results are still the most interesting because they are a technology showcase, how far we've come in terms of computing power. Separation was attempted with the leagues but apparently some feel it's not enough. From my end I would be fine with removing WR points. The main reason I don't disable points is because the scores don't show up on the front page etc if I do. If it wouldn't be multi-CPU Xeon rigs at the top it'd be super binned 6950X's. Easier for MB vendors and their peers to compete but not really for anyone else.
  15. It's limited by AMD in the driver.
  16. I'd expect that they're all on the same bus with different addresses. You can check the resistance between for example SDA between the controllers. And if so, connect the eVc and make a device scan and I'll try to adapt the software HD5970.
  17. Yes but that means the vendors still sell the products and have samples. As it is right now Nvidia is excluding everyone else, including distributors.
  18. See my previous post, there are no cards from any vendors this time. Which means there's no point to market them and send out samples. They're only available from Nvidia.
  19. I'd like to address the complaints about the Titan XP. IMO the situation is the most open and fair it's been in a long time. Buy a card, work out the mods and bench it on ln2 = #1 in any 3D bench that's not CPU bound. I'm interested in why this is not happening. Cost is too high? It's around the same as Extreme Edition CPUs. Can't work out the mods? Ask for help here at the forums. No samples? Maybe some will once again fear killing hardware.
  20. elmor

    eVc ordering

    No sorry. Currently considering if I should make a v2.
  21. Honestly never used this board, but since it has official QVL up to 3466 with Samsung B-die it should be able to reach at least ~4000 with loose timings. Which BIOS and sticks are you using? http://dlcdnet.asus.com/pub/ASUS/mb/LGA1151/MAXIMUS_VIII_RANGER/M8R_DRAM_QVL_20160411.pdf?_ga=1.155860658.867774124.1405396885
  22. elmor

    eVc ordering

    Thanks for the support guys, these are all sold out finally.
  23. Please redownload the file, fixed the reading bug. You can measure the voltages here:
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