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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. P67 board inbound, I hope to set some decent 2D scores on it
  2. I vote to ban ASRock OC Formula board and it's designer, as the board breaks the laws of Physx and software checked 20+ scores max 3 off.... even them of Massman as he loves to run rerun ... max variable is 3... TRAPPED !
  3. Another one These guys are keeping Hwbot staff really busy these days
  4. I don't care about the wprime run, the pifast screenies interest me far more...
  5. that was said a few days back too D-Day was last monday not ?
  6. I fear the same Allen, this decision might be a make or break for the community... However for me it's all crystal clear, once lucky was okay, twice is overdoing it...
  7. yesterdays news, I still would love to know the real story behind all this charade...
  8. Time to hit with the decision hammer guys. Hasn't this been taking too long already ?
  9. Pretty sure of it or the bartender completely fucked up...
  10. yep there's more to this story then just a few cocktails cooled by a LN2 shot drops... but as usual it's get's totally pulled out of proportion...
  11. mm same symptoms, CPU should be a +5.8ish CPU, we couldn't boot into winblows at 5.8Ghz, but at 5.75 Ghz was easy peasy... Need to find a board to test this wild theory
  12. How good was the gene IV board treating you ? I still find some new ones for sub 140 euros, most 2nd hand IV extreme boards go way over 200 euros
  13. I just fell of my chair Hurt my bad knee again , banana Zen
  14. tWCL was set to 6 and 7, no effect. My Gene V board set tRRSR to 6. If I set manually to 5 it sometimes posts but freezes in winblows or gives me 55... same for Formula board. Tried Oldscarfaces magix GTX2 kit, same crap... P67 is far superior with Sandy and Hypers then Z77 in my book... looking for a P67 board to verify this... I need CL7, CL8 is never gonna give me a better time...
  15. I can't even get near the score set on a 100MHZ lower clocked CPU with 2133-2200 7-7-7-21. AIDA clearly tells me there's a big bandwith loss... Multiple issues to run the hypers 1T on Z77, unless I relax tRRSR to 6 lol So who wants to go on a date with Sam ? So we can grab his 40 x 2200C6 BBSE kits ? He's such a cute guy (this picture was taken on his last speeddate attempt )
  16. Lo lads, tried to OC my ahum cherrry binned 2600K on the Gene V board. Yet with the Hypers SuperPI efficinecy seems to be total POS, due to the loose timings that need to be run to be anywhere stable... I'm getting around 2-3K less AIDA bandwith then with my old P67 scores...now even at 100MHz higher frequency. Tightening up the crucial tertiary timings ( tRSSR in particular ) results in an instant lockup or freeze Possible solutions : 1) Is there a special SB bios for the Z77 ROG range ? 2) Or just ditch the Hypers 3) Buy a P67 bench board... 4) Steal some of SAM's BBSE's... 5) Sell all my stuff... I'm leaning towards option 3. In last resort option 4 if I find the right people to lure Sam away from his wooden cabin in the Delt woods...
  17. It's like fashion, each decade it all comes back some way or another... also without these guys the HWBot crew would be out of a job soon
  18. Hahaha Massman the man with balls of steel !!
  19. Need a refill for my popcorn plz
  20. Let's armwrestle iso changing names.... me against and Splave, winner takes on Pro
  21. that's only for people from South Africa, Turkmenistan or Australia, don't generalise plz
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