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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. If HWbot were dictators threads like this would not exist and you would have exited already weeks ago... hard or soft way... before throwing any more heavy words versus the HWbot staff I would suggest you to properly look up the words you are using... I find some words you are using Addict a bit too far fetched... Due to the numerous changes many started rebenching the old stuff, which is cheap. SLI and co get far better rewarded too now... No system is flawless. Have you ever wandered around in the real world ? Do you notice any similarities ? Is everything perfect there ? If so good for you... Some people will just have more toys to play with. By setting more and more rules things get overcomplicated. And is there a bulletproof way of verifying things ? Nope... and honesty in a competitive sport is just not possible. Utopia if you ask me... So Addict you want one league, do you think the vendors will look for you at ranking 300 ? Do you think their attitude towards sponsoring overclockers and co will dramatically change ? Dunno... Those that are on top have worked for it the last years. They work or are sponsored by the big manufacturers. Okay thye have access to the goods, but they are also masters in overclocking/modding, discovering tips and tweaks... Their ranking is not solely determined by the hardware they received... Those that want to be on top have to adjust to what is hot and what is not... Plain logic that the highest scores are awarded the most points. And ofcourse it's common sense that highly competitive people bench the hardware that get's rewarded the most. In any sport/hobby if you want to compete you have to invest in the latest and the best... you simply have to adjust... I really don't see the issue with all of this... I can't buy a 7970 now, so I drop massively in the rankings. Do I care ? Nope coz it's just a hobby, I bench what I can get my hands on... Maybe a few months down the road I can get one when everyone starts to bench 780... Will we restart a similar debate once Kepler hits the shelves ? If you want something to change you also have to propose a valid solution that can work out for most users and not just for you... I like some ideas here but most are really a flash back of previous discussions... I can't buy that stuff so I get pissed off with the system. Isn't that the root of all this ?
  2. Nice Work, How Are Your Ears Holding Up ? SO NEXT CPU SCALING AT 4-4.5-5.5.5GHZ ,
  3. "Originally Posted by matose View Post ... It's not about the skill anymore, it's about who have the right BIOS, the right software, knows all the mods and have the best sample and that's very sad!" This has always been the case Matose... don't see anything new... some people have more resources... some have luck,... But even then with the best CPU, tools etc... there still will be a difference between final results... In some way of the other a skilled overclocker, that is able to fight with the same material/soft, will still have an edge... You can't exclude luck in finding a good GPU/GPU/RAM... Ofcourse the more you can bin, the higher the chance is of finding a golden one... same old story... nothing new...
  4. So will all this .... continue if Nvidia launches it's new GPU architecture. ( to apparently crush AMD latest offering) .. Isn't this how it always has been.. new hardware that demolishes all previous scores... Makes you loose points if you don't buy it ? And if you even buy it, some will always have more access to either bin, get stuff for free... Or even buy a pretested +5.9GHZ CPU. What's the issue with 7970 ? Ronaldo you loose points now and will catch up in a few months or so when the card is available in your country... Maybe even at a better price and with better drivers : Outcome : you will beat most of the current scores that have pushed you down the ranking... I don't get the point in some posts here... What has changed in the hardware world ? Nothing it evolves, redefines,... so scores will be beaten/crushed... Wouldn't you be bored when benching always the same old stuff ? Am I envious about Suicide's, Ronaldo's or Nick Sihs CPUs. A bit yes coz I didn't find or am able to buy them cherry CPU's. So I have to settle at 5.6Ghz and will try my best to submit competitive scores. For the rest it's all in the hands of the hardware gods. I still have fun, but not as active to compete at any level... not even my purpose of being here... To me it's just fun, even if it costs sometimes a lot of cash. But so do other hobbies ! And who forces you to buy the latest and the best ? I can understand some people invest a lot of money, want to be in and stay in top 5/10. And probably want to get hardware for free in the end... Isn't that where the debate is here really all about. Invest hard and then get supported ? Some will get exhausted and give in, some will just continue at maybe a lower pace... You are all taking this hobby far too seriously, for some it's work. For some a passion and for others it will end up as a frustration... you take your choice of preference... The system always wil have flaws, so does real life...
  5. Euh, have they changed again ? - No ramdisk or MFT software allowed (didn't say ram cache did it ) - XP startup can not exceed 220MB/s - Benchmark must run on default web browser (Internet Explorer, any version) and default audio/video codec *new* - Browser enhancement tweaks such as disabling/removing features, plugins, make-up etc are allowed *new* - Audio and video codec tweaks are allowed. Powertoy is, as GUI for the registry, allowed *new* The new * ones have been debated a long time ago and everyone agreed on them... Explain the main difference between an Acard/Iram/RAM disk and the ram cache used here ? With normal SSDs you can't reach the scores eg Steve of Christian has done... I find it very good that ram cache can be used : It's far cheaper and can even bring far better results then them uberly expensive Acards... We have tested some cache programs and the results are insane... at a mild cost... PCmark05 was for the storage freaks with loads of cash, now the tide turns... Tip : Get your gear out and start benching iso...
  6. Pcmark05 is going bezerk with the new rules... well done Christian... Tell me the secrets
  7. K Theory one : designated ram clock is false and should be 1422Mhz in reality. ( this to stay in sync with the 2133Mhz uncore ) 11min 07 for 1428Mhz vs 10min 53sec for 2133Mhz speeds = +/- same uncore speeds and CPU Mhz So in my humble opinion : ram speed is correct, but who am I Quick run with upped uncore speeds, speed increase is dramatic
  8. As it should be according Intel specs... How you can force the uncore down with X58-OC Will try to test with 1422 ram dual channel and 2133 uncore to see if we get the same outcome in pi and Aida
  9. divide countries ? what are you talking about... ? It's all about organising and getting people to work together... FYI Massman and I continued to bench on LN2 with the FX8150... if we had done one run at 6.9 we would have easily nailed 20K with the 4 cards on air... efficiency was über... But we didn't do a full run nor would have submitted as people like you would flame about the lended cards... and FYI our own GTX580 cards do better clocks on the rams then them Extreme models...
  10. If only the GTX8 would be so cool then these Can't figure out them dimms....
  11. Apparently this test score has been reported, my dear friend below are the rules : Any online UCBench2011 submission must comply to the following rules: - default UCBench2011 settings - have a valid screenshot (see example below): clearly show ucbench dos box (with result), ucbench launch application, processor and memory settings in CPU-Z ...Suppose no link required then... I have the text file... but as it wasn't required to up as with the Country cup I saw no need to do it...
  12. You are going down Daniel
  13. :celebration: Thank you for posting this !! you rock :nana: This is what it is all about... !! My kids are hypnotised by it, spend days with it... but was not clever enough to find them little things that made it fly...
  14. looks like a very promising cpu... board didn't go high enough ( only one working strap ) with the FSB and ram ratio selected... and not enough LN2 to start messing with stuff... only a few runs possible... At least I have a better CPU then Kenny !!! now I need a 7ghz CPU to kill his 8xxx series scores
  15. That I get a far higher score with the higher uncore speeds (tested in superpi32m and AIDAI64) If it proves if the rams are really at that speed that is another thing. I leave that for the pros... Have to look for the screenshots on the USB key, forgot to up them
  16. Cat is only 5 weeks, takes some time to devour a rabbit
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