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Everything posted by TaPaKaH

  1. I expected more gain, but it's better than nothing. Will you have any chance to test on some extremely PWM-limited card like a 8600GT in the future ?
  2. have you tried 1Gb or 2Gb modules? .. nice atvertising BTW
  3. LN2 is for noobs, how about cheap LHe ?
  4. my budget would be ~200 Euros for flight/hotel + however much alcohol costs ... the biggest problem, IMO, is that such events are usually announced <1 month in advance so there's no chance to order cheap airline tickets
  5. someone from AF ranting about ASUS? never seen that before
  6. I think we should treat hardware categories separately, otherwise benching not-so-popular stuff will yield no points at all.
  7. I think you can submit your scores here. Amount of memory doesn't make any performance difference on those cards.
  8. 2550K oveclock same as all other SB, if you talk about averages
  9. while we're on the subject of suspicious things being done in Romania, I'm somehow impressed by consistency of massive aircooled GPU clocks some examples: 7800GTX 256 at 675MHz with LN2 average of 647 8800GTS 320 at 828MHz 9600GT at 950MHz HD3870 at 1120MHz with LN2 average of 1107 HD4830 at 980MHz wit LN2 average of 969 HD4870 at 990MHz with LN2 average of 1003 HD5850 at 1120MHz with LN2 average of 1147
  10. move to banana republic, I can rent you a full flat for cheaper than that
  11. ...when your browser crashes you automatically take a glance at a near-monitor shelf where you usually place the Fluke while benching ...when you know so much about hardware that you always get rejected for any sort of hardware-related job ...when pouring tea out from a thermos, you're pretending to look as if you're pouring LN2
  12. IIRC, the international laws do not allow shipping of live animals via regular package so you'll have to pre-kill him first
  13. you need to learn how to use folders to organise your scores
  14. now works fine, but takes ~10 more seconds to finish the loading
  15. I can't imagine anyone willing to use a weaksauce quadcore with integrated graphics for any sort of non-benching application (unless you need an multithreaded encoding rig, are on a budget but want brand new hardware, and have a hate towards AM3 and Intel) .. especially the expensive K model
  16. It might be interesting to bench, but it's a waste of money since you can't use it for anytihng else other than this contest
  17. If I had to run a memory review section of some overclocking-oriented website, I'd separate it into two parts. First part would be thoroughly testing and comparing ICs head to head (overclocking and overclocked performance) without mentioning any brand names. Second, reviewing specific kits, ALWAYS mentioning the ICs, with a link to IC vs IC review for those who want more info and one or two quick overclocking (only) tests at 1866/2133/2400 for those who don't. I'm sick and tired of noob reviewers from "elite" websites who only bother to test one overclocking scenario and then post 3 or 4 pages of "stock vs overclocked" charts without any reference to other recently reviewed products.
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