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Everything posted by TaPaKaH

  1. Up for sale are some binning rejects. 1) Pentium E2140 (10 pcs) Went through 600 pcs of these last November. Kept eleven CPUs that did 485+ on air for further LN2 examination. Tested them all on LN2 last week. Best one does ~4280 (just to show how hard it is to find a good E2140), the other ten are below: #1 (5€): Passes LinX at 450x8/1.45V, 32M at 475x8 no go, max FSB is around 486 on air. On LN2 maxes at 516x8. #2 (20€): Passes LinX at 450x8/1.31V, 32M at 475x8/1.23V, max FSB is around 487 on air. On LN2 maxes at 526x8 and 531x6. #3 (5€): Passes LinX at 450x8/1.46V, 32M at 475x8/1.49V, max FSB is around 490 on air. On LN2 maxes at 509x8 and 537x6. #4 (10€): Passes LinX at 450x8/1.36V, 32M at 475x8/1.42V, max FSB is around 486 on air. On LN2 maxes at 519x8. #5 (15€): Passes LinX at 450x8/1.45V, 32M at 475x8/1.54V, max FSB is around 492 on air. On LN2 maxes at 524x8. Rare feat: ..A0000 serial number (never seen this before). #6 (5€): Passes 32M at 450x8/1.40V, 32M at 475x8 no go, max FSB is around 491 on air. On LN2 maxes at 514x8. #7 (20€): Passes 32M at 450x8/1.36V, 32M at 475x8 no go, max FSB is around 488 on air. On LN2 maxes at 529x8. #8 (5€): Passes LinX at 450x8/1.50V, 32M at 475x8 no go, max FSB is around 486 on air. On LN2 maxes at 515x8. #9 (5€): Passes 32M at 450x8/1.53V, 32M at 475x8 no go, max FSB is around 486 on air. On LN2 maxes at 514x8. #10 (15€): Passes 32M at 450x8/1.45V, 32M at 475x8 no go, max FSB is around 485 on air. On LN2 maxes at 526x8. 2) Pentium E2160 (10 pcs) Went through 750 pcs of these last November. Kept thirteen CPUs that did 490+ on air for further LN2 examination. Tested them all on LN2 last week. Three of them validate 5000+, the other ten are below: #1 (5€): Passes 32M at 3.6GHz/1.45V, 32M at 3.8GHz no go, max FSB is around 500 on air. On LN2 maxes at 530x9 and 546x6. #2 (5€): Passes 32M at 3.6GHz/1.51V, 32M at 3.8GHz no go, max FSB is around 493 on air. On LN2 maxes at 537x9. #3 (20€): Passes LinX at 3.6GHz/1.45V, 32M at 3.8GHz/1.58V, max FSB is around 492 on air. On LN2 maxes at 547x9 and 558x6. #4 (15€): Passes 32M at 3.6GHz/1.46V, 32M at 3.8GHz/1.59V, max FSB is around 498 on air. On LN2 maxes at 542x9. #5 (20€): Passes 32M at 3.6GHz/1.54V, 32M at 3.8GHz no go, max FSB is around 493 on air. On LN2 maxes at 549x9 and 563x6. #6 (5€): Passes 32M at 3.6GHz/1.51V, 32M at 3.8GHz no go, max FSB is around 495 on air. On LN2 maxes at 532x9. #7 (15€): Passes LinX at 3.6GHz/1.44V, 32M at 3.8GHz/1.51V, max FSB is around 494 on air. On LN2 maxes at 544x9. #8 (5€): Passes LinX at 3.6GHz/1.49V, 32M at 3.8GHz/1.54V, max FSB is around 496 on air. On LN2 maxes at 537x9. #9 (5€): Passes 32M at 3.6GHz/1.54V, 32M at 3.8GHz no go, max FSB is around 491 on air. On LN2 maxes at 533x9 and 536x6. #10 (10€): Passes 32M at 3.6GHz/1.46V, 32M at 3.8GHz no go, max FSB is around 491 on air. On LN2 maxes at 540x9. 3) Core 2 Duo E6300 (7 pcs) Went through 1450 pcs of these last November. Better ones are still to be tested on LN2, these are ones that max out between 571 and 575MHz FSB on air. Only had 19 better FSB clockers so these are well within the top 2%. Asking 5€ a piece. 4) Core 2 Duo E8400 Went through 50 pcs of these in January. This is one of the top 5 chips. Passes LinX at 4.5GHz/1.31V but fails 32M at 4.8GHz with any voltage. Max 32M stable FSB on air is 620MHz at 1.28VTT. Asking 10€. ..or 100€ for all 28 CPUs together. All prices above exclude shipping. My preferred method of payment is IBAN banktransfer, but PayPal is also possible if buyer is to take care of the transaction fees.
  2. 80 Euros + shipping for the remaining board.
  3. Funny, last year I had lots of cases where I was the buyer, got no/broken items and could not get my money back via eBay/PayPal irrespective of how much proof I provided or how polite I was with the communication.
  4. Push, one Impact still available.
  5. For 2x2GB that's pretty slow. Had a score within 1s of this with 2x1GB: http://s45.radikal.ru/i108/0906/0f/9d031931c289.jpg
  6. Up for sale are two ASUS M6I mainboards. Both are RMA replacements, so come without sound cards, IO shields or any further accessories. I briefly tested both boards on function and both work fine (both stock and PSC at 1333c8). Asking 100 Euros per board + shipping I would estimate the shipping costs to be between 10 and 32 Euros, depending on your location and courier preference. My preferred method of payment is IBAN banktransfer but PayPal is also possible if buyer is to cover the transaction fees.
  7. Up for sale are some 775 binning leftovers. 1) 7x Core2Duo E6300. Asking 5 Euros a piece + shipping Each CPU maxes out between 571 and 575MHz FSB on an ASUS P5E3-Premium under a loosely mounted Prolimatech Megahalems. No further tests done. 2) Core2Duo E8400 #1. Sold The strongest core clocking E8400 that I ever had. Passes LinX at 4.5GHz 1.29V and SuperPI 32M at 4.8GHz 1.37V and 4.9GHz 1.46V. However, FSB doesn't seem too strong with this chip - max for 32M on my TP45HP is 610MHz at 1.28Vtt. 3) Core2Duo E8400 #2. Sold Passes LinX at 4.5GHz 1.35V and SuperPI 32M at 4.8GHz 1.43V. Max 32M stable FSB on air is 625MHz at 1.38Vtt. 4) Core2Duo E8400 #3. Asking 15 Euros + shipping Passes LinX at 4.5GHz 1.31V but fails SuperPI 32M at 4.8GHz with any voltage. Max 32M stable FSB on air is 620MHz at 1.28Vtt. 5) ASUS Rampage Extreme. Sold. Bought this board on eBay as defective, it actually works. However, I don't like the way it behaves, hence the sale. For a start, it can't get into OS with 2x2GB of Corsair GTX2 at 1000MHz no matter the settings or voltages. With 2x2GB of Corsair 2000C7 it can easily pass 32M with 2x2GB at 1000MHz with two different BIOS versions (1104, 1301) and even did a pass at 1030MHz 6-7-5, but I get lots of random OS crashes after the 32M is complete. The board also can't do 32M at 600x6 with a pre-tested E6750 on air. Shipping price greatly varies on the item and your location. My preferred method of payment is IBAN banktransfer but PayPal is also possible if you cover the transaction fees.
  8. Sorry Jason, all E6750s are already gone. Only eight E6300s left. EDIT: ACD canceled his purchase, so one E6750 still available.
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