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Everything posted by Samsarulz

  1. I will confirm during May. Depends on savings :D.
  2. Will be modded with an EPowerV, later I can try it with cold. Hopefully will be a super badass HD7950. Thanks
  3. @MaddMutt Its a Sapphire HD7950 with no honorifics. Memory, GPU and caps mod was made by MllrKllr88 but memory mod isnt working. This are the stronger Hynix ICs I ever had. All OC is done without extra volts for memory. Regards
  4. Just like AlexRo guessed hahaha. Good work!
  5. What happened with the RIG/setup image haha.
  6. Can't see the desktop screenshot with Benchmark, GPUz and CPuz tabs. Is not needed anymore?
  7. Greath thread. Very interesting stuff about origin of OC and sub0 cooling. Still needs to read all the links.
  8. Maybe. Need to figure out flight tickets. This year I already travelled to Portland/Vancouver so I need to save money for expenses. I know i have to bring my own stuff but what happens with big volume peripherals like the display monitor? Regards
  9. Normal Z170 OCF 7.51A didnt work for me to enable Coffee compatibility. Had to use only the DSanke modded one to make it work an i7 8700 and later the 9900K. Thanks!
  10. @funsoul What is the deadline to confirm assistance? And there is a limited number of "slots" (maybe 20 people is maximum for room occupation or something)? Regards
  11. If you could do this bench at 6400, then you can run R15/GPU PI 1B close to 6600 MHz for next session.
  12. Some Apex IX go for 100 or bit less on Ebay. Needs Hardmod + modded BIOS for Coffee (including 9900K). Put Alex 0094 BIOS and 1801 one from APex X and voila. Sometimes you can get Z170 OCF and get 9900K support too BUT since is a 4Dimmer... OC RAM isn't so good (4000 12-11 is hard). Z390 Dark is the top for me but overpriced. Preffer to stay and Z170M OCF or Apex IX side for now. Regards
  13. What worked for me was download again the ZIP/RAR file. Had that issue running a 7740X and 7940X some weeks agoƱ Might be something related to OS if its a stripped version. You dont need to install any JAVA version to run "HWBOTcx265", program comes with its own version.
  14. For better results you need some OS work and tweaking. Also setup tight Memory DDR4, at least 4000 MHz 12 12 12 28 1T. Regards
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