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Everything posted by Samsarulz

  1. Is this one modded by Mllrkllr88?
  2. Samsarulz

    FS: 7350K

    Interested. MP sent
  3. Samsarulz

    Hailea HC500A

    Is this only 110V, right?
  4. Great run sir. Hopeufully next time you can go for 5200 and take the gold
  5. Great effort and achievement!
  6. For Win7 at least if you want to bench 2D, go for W7 Embedded. Regards
  7. Bump for the number of the beast ?
  8. Thanks for the post. Donated 20E through PayPal. Hopefully Mat can get some beers and pay for Hosting. Regards
  9. Probably is a BIOS version thing and setup of volts. Which CPu are you using?
  10. Good CPU clocks, what happened to DRAM ?
  11. This one has better efficiency than 2080 Ti haha. Good run mate!
  12. Have also purchased from him before and Im from Chile... way way far from where you are haha. Item was well packaged... well was something small iirc was an 5960X some years ago. Hope you get the pot. 3D benchmarking with DICE/LN2 might look harder but is rather easy if you leave insulation aside. Is super fun, hope you enjoy.
  13. For DICE there might be not much difference since POT will be "full", with LN2 unless you hit Full pot the Tek9 wont have much "juice" inside. Not a problem if it doesn't cover whole frame, you just need to be extra careful tightening screws. Many cards run like that for example HD7950/HD7970 and older cards too. Yes, using just 4 screws they are the "same". Have both so I can tell you that. Just like Rauf said, those 4 screws will work well and be enough even without a backplate, but a BP is better imho. You can test pot contact before going cold in windows, with small load (like GPUz stress test) GPU and POT base (through a K-probe) should show very close temps.
  14. Covers DIE but not whole frame around it (most, not 100%). Works, but imho is not the ideal choice. Well, all depends on budget. Sometimes you can get Tek9Fat for $100. Better option is Kingpin Icon with much more mass (around 2.5Kg) and contact surface. Also the cooling plate is bigger but ICON goes for $309. Depends how hard you want to stress your card. Also Icon comes Turing front plate so you can use the external hole pattern, but being safer it also makes even pressure harder and contact might be worse. Some solutions like Bitspower POT enable both patterns using 8 screws and a backplate for better mounting. This below is Tek9 + 8point adapter. You can see Icon has a much bigger plate haha Regards
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