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Everything posted by unityofsaints

  1. Wow, this is actually massive. Can't believe I missed it at the time!
  2. Nice. 8 cards should be enough for the WR
  3. Haha. Still waiting for someone to sub the 4x 5x 6x 7x 8x configs!
  4. Not sure if enough bitmaps on the desktop :P
  5. Holy thread necromancy but let's give it a try... the overclockers.com article in the OP mention a 8.3 GHz WR by TaPaKaH on Cedar Mill but I don't see any trace of this on The Bot or even in the frequency WR timeline: Does anyone still have the validation link or any info on this, the last frequency WR on Intel?
  6. any OC results on this chip?
  7. Hold on, let me sell a kidney first
  8. Sample luck or is there a trick to stop PCI-E dropping issues?
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