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Everything posted by l0ud_sil3nc3

  1. Please enlighten me what did Fasttrack do to get banned websmile?
  2. This thread is gold. Time to go sort through all my trays of 12, 14, 16, and 18 core nao excuse me Kidding or am I . . .
  3. To answer your questions: Just because you can pass without wazza at said frequency/timings doesn't mean you will be able to pass with wazza with more cold or voltage. It's best to find the max voltage you can run and pass with (usually 2.15v to 2.25v for me depending on the kit) and also the the exact temperature you need for your kit. This can be -125c to full pot depending on the kit. Colder imc usually helps to a certain point, at least -60c to -125c should be a good range to try. Sometimes cold isn't necessarily better but in my experience 90% of the time it's better. Don't be afraid to blast cache voltage and core as well if your cpu needs it. Pm me if you have any more questions and most important have fun
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