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Everything posted by Luumi

  1. Big thanks to @Jokot for discussing about this with Aalto University folks to make this testing possible !
  2. I posted a youtube video of the testing. @Kashtan @spit051261
  3. Youtube video finally up. @Eisbaer798 @TerraRaptor @darkgregor @Leeghoofd @ironbrillopad
  4. Temp didn't matter because I couldn't run it properly. Need to check why P5E3 has issues with E8500.
  5. Great practise for DARK, but I don't like the Unify-X as it is hard on memory. Only this particular bios version worked. I think DARK should hit rank 1.
  6. You see delid is good but cracking happens.
  7. How did you get it to full pot? Usually those like to stay at a bit warmer temp.
  8. Delidded? Be careful about potential crack. Can't often hear it.
  9. Video up! @yosarianilives @unityofsaints
  10. Video up on this one as well, as HWBOT youtube thing doesn't work... @ironbrillopad
  11. Here @Matt26LFC @Leeghoofd @George_o/c @unityofsaints I wonder if Riska ran the test at 62 or 63 multi as you can see the CPUz.
  12. I did put it was somehow bugged.
  13. 3770K loves Direct die. A great wrap-up for the Ivy Bridge and delidding hysteria. Ivy Bridge tends to crack easily though as I mentioned was a huge problem before direct die. @TaPaKaH @unityofsaints @ironbrillopad
  14. Luumi

    TFC Monsta radiator

    Caught your eye for it from my videos?
  15. All sold now.
  16. Useless to bench that nb on cold. My P5E3 Pattaya board would do 7g with just NB on air easy. An insane validation score anyways.
  17. Does anyone happen to have the OC Key firmware for the Maximus V Extreme. You can find the firmware of the Rampage 4 Extreme from asus website BUT not the M5 version. If I'm correct, the version for the Rampage 4 Extreme is and for Maximus 5 Extreme. Would help me a lot! @slamms @Leeghoofd @TerraRaptor @Smoke
  18. Video up! @riska@TaPaKaH @Leeghoofd @Matt26LFC
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