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Everything posted by ObscureParadox

  1. Nice result dude! Shame about the cracking
  2. Just seen this now,awesome result dude, a little more on the cache and this might have been your record.
  3. http://hwbot.org/competition/team_cup_2014_sc1/ And http://oc-esports.io/#!/round/team_cup_2015_sc4 I'm getting first place points for when I have no firsts. If I remember correctly I was top for a while in the intel percentage OC one and the mobile HWBot prime in the 2015 team cup, so it's those two bugging out for me.
  4. Seems to be fixed for a couple but I still think my points are inflated. Got firsts when I don't have any from this years cup and last. Might just need to be recalculated or something on my end so I'll give it a go
  5. If this is an issue you're having on older motherboard then try going to the install folder and edit the .cfg file. You'll want to change the value of the sensor part to 0. This will stop the voltage from reading but you'll be able to open two CPU-Z programs without it crashing Hope this works for you.
  6. OC-Esports points still don't make sense on my account, happy to get the extra points but I know I'm not entitled to them
  7. Bump to this, we're catching up
  8. viper may I suggest you take a breathe and calm down for a second, as others have stated if any mistake was made then it would be an innocent one and not intended by Rasparthe. I suggest you let the mods do their work and not start a witch hunt in the forums
  9. Very nicely done dude, you got this CPU delidded yet or still on standard paste?
  10. Happy Birthday dude
  11. you need to be in the elite league for points on this dude awesome score though!!!
  12. What he means is that it isn't required for ambient cooling, you should max the CPU with a bog standard release BIOS
  13. awesome, awesome job dude, 2K on 4 core is insane congrats!!!
  14. My fear is that if the CPU really is this bad and that my oc issues aren't temp related then delidding is just going to be a risk of killing a CPU with no gain and that in turn makes it harder for me to sell later
  15. Nope, but doubt I will gain anything by doing so since in XTU I don't look to be hitting positive temps in XTU so I doubt the package is getting that hot, not that 100MHz should make that much of a difference anyway...
  16. In the right place No combination of PLL volts makes a difference, at full pot vs -120c at 5.5GHz it acts the same, second it gets to 5.6GHz it's a no go... don't want to give up on the CPU but running out of LN2 here
  17. anyone else get really weird scaling with their CPU? My 6700K can easily do 5.5GHz with less than 1.6v XTU stable, but 5.6GHz 4c/8t isn't stable on even Cinebench at any volts, just the strangest thing and not sure where my issue lies........ If it's the CPU then will just get the 5.5GHz XTU run done and sell on.
  18. Also no ES hardware, sry about that
  19. ObscureParadox

    Hello all

    Have I missed something? I haven't noticed you treading on anyones toes anywhere dude, we love you just the way you are so never change If you fancy a chat sometime about just about anything you know where to find me
  20. you'll enjoy the extreme side for sure, once you start you'll find it very hard to go back
  21. They get posted to your wall if you're following anyone, so if you follow me for example, everytime I post a score it will be posted to your wall
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