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Everything posted by ObscureParadox

  1. 60c is already very high for an AMD CPU. 4.8Ghz is a good overclock. I would leave it at that.
  2. I think 4840 might be your limit with the voltages already used.
  3. Is it possible to have the OP updated with a list like previous batch numbers?
  4. +1 for dice yeah. There seem to be more being starting off with DICE now instead of SS/Casecade cooling so that would be much better for those starting off in the world of sub zero.
  5. This, 500+ are few and far between and I've purchased maybe 100-120 Allendale CPUs and have not had one do over 490MHz on air yet. The two I've had that did 485MHz on air didn't scale past 515MHz on LN2, was not impressed......
  6. Nice resukt nick, card seems to be pretty decent!! Also how cold is that SS because your CPU seems to be pretty damn good!!
  7. How many power supplies have you got plugged into that thing??
  8. I've got 2 that can do that fine. The Z97 is just really problematic anyway. Had a sub zero session with it the other day and has been playing up since.
  9. Cheers dude, looks like I won't be testing on my Z97 though since its being very temperamental. Will do up to 2000MHz testing on X48 instead since that's what most people will buy it for anyway.
  10. Hey guys, I've got a few sets of hypers here that I want to get rid of and I was wondering what you would consider good clocks for these kits and at what voltages. Would like it if it was laid in a manner such as ; 1600 C* 1.*v 1800 C* 1.*v 2000 C* 1.*v 2200 C* 1.*v etc etc Cheers guys
  11. Payment sent, quickest thread sale ever
  12. I'll take theese off your hands, send me your paypal address and I'll get the money sent over to you as soon as possible
  13. To be fair you can afford to be lazy with the voltera chips. I couldn't be bothered hard modding a card that would do 1.45v through software
  14. Glad to hear there was a happy ending from all of this. Very rarely do these things end up in favour of the buyer.
  15. Now I wouldn't quote me on this because I'm not 100% sure, but I think the 2666C11 kit is Hynix and your 2400C9 may be Samsung. Best person to ask is probably Tapakah since he seems to know his stuff when it comes to ram ICs
  16. Nice score bud!! I seem to have lost my sub zero vantage score somewhere, ran one with the core at 1130MHz and it's just vanished
  17. Damn this project Starting to understand why my bank account is constantly empty
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