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Everything posted by ObscureParadox

  1. I'm up for this too, will be interesting to me personally to see just how much I've been spending.
  2. There is a very small bug where on the forum if you click on the name of the person who last posted on the main page of the forum under the "HWBOT Frontpage News section" and the "General Hardware Discussion" area, it will take you to the page of someone completely different. Doesn't seem to happen anywhere else. Just found it funny when I clicked on C.Ney and got BlackPhenix instead Also K404 is replaced by ivano.bevilacqua.1 apparently
  3. Just to clarify, Socket 478 CPUs came out before their 775 counterparts despite being pretty much the same CPU. In this case the 478 CPU will win right?
  4. Happy Birthday dude!!!!!!

  5. Just got one in today with a batch number which isn't on here yet. 4790K L414C937 will be testing soon. VID : 1.072v
  6. Downclocking is counter productive as using older hardware with a fast time is what will win you this competition
  7. With which CPau though? I've never been able to get close to 2GHz with my semprons. I've also had it on good authority from a reputable OC'er that these board hard lock much much lower than 400MHz. Tempted to find one just to test myself. Edit : Not doubting your claims at all though mate
  8. Both 1st and second place results for the 890FXE look suspect. Ram speeds seem to be a bit of a givaway, possibly a bug which is doubling the HTT speed on CPU-Z??? http://hwbot.org/submission/2427858_farid_reference_clock_ta890fxe_490.01_mhz/
  9. Got my 423 socket ready to go actually. Never benched it before though.
  10. So basically as title suggests, the ranking system is broke for me and when I click to see the OC leader board I get an error. The same happens when I try to check the top OC'ers in my country. Error message: org.apache.torque.NoRowsException: Failed to select a row.
  11. I'm not 100% certain, but I think the tridents might be BBSE. Might be worth a check just in case.
  12. Sorry to hear your stopping Moose, had a lot of fun watching you compete with everyone back when PCMark 05 was popular
  13. It on the bot dude, right here - http://hwbot.org/hardware/processor/pentium_4_520/
  14. Looked like a perfect year for the Aussie boys, shame I wasn't able to have some fun too because of uni work.
  15. you need to have your name and a date by those pictures for them to coincide with the forum rules
  16. another suspect score from the same team. The rest of his look alright though. http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1627501
  17. Goos stuff SI. Is there no more to be had from the CPU though? Bit more CPU speed could help this score out quite a bit.
  18. Please check this user CPU-Z submissions, almost every single one seems very suspect, especially given the motherboards used http://hwbot.org/user/241793184/
  19. Depends how long you bench for per day etc, lots a variables but you should be able to have plenty of fun with about 30L.
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